Page 110 of Land of Ashes

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“We heard you have the power to influence metal.” My feet shifted at her intensity, wanting to put up every barrier I could. “Even goblin metal. Make it disappear.”

“Yes, I can.”

I reached over to Raven, pushing up her sleeve, displaying the bracelet.

Talyssa inched back, her eyes locking on the spelled metal, her brow furrowing.

“Can you get it off?” Hope sped up my heart. “If you do, it’s yours.”

“Mine?” The spirit’s eyes widened.

“All yours.” I offered Raven’s wrist to her. Gifts were a big deal to spirits. They were their weakness, yet she didn’t react to my offer, her attention fully on the cuff. A sensation prickled at the back of my neck when Talyssa’s translucent fingers stretched out slowly, hovering over the metal.

Raven jerked from my grip, stepping back at the same moment Talyssa withdrew from the metal, a strange hiss coming from her.

“What?” My head danced between them, but neither responded. I was nothing more than a spectator as the women squared off.

“Interesting,” the spirit replied low, her focus dissecting Raven.

Raven’s chin jerked up, her lids narrowing.

“What’s going on?” No one seemed to hear me.

“You’re afraid of what could happen,” Talyssa stated. It was not a question, but a truth.

“Don’t,” Raven replied so low it sounded like a growl.

“Someone talk to me.” The knot in my stomach expanded, dread making me feel as if I were about to walk off a cliff.

“You don’t want it off,” the spirit said to her. “You like it there.”

“That’s ridiculous,” I scoffed. “It’s goblin metal. Of course she wants it off.” Doubt started to lace my throat. “Right?”

“It’s much more than that.” Talyssa’s attention stayed on Raven.

“What?” My brows drew down, my head snapping to Raven. Her eyes were downcast, her throat struggling to swallow, not at all fighting Talyssa’s claims. “Raven? What’s going on?”

“Nothing.” She shook her head. “Let’s go.”

“Go?” I sputtered, grabbing her arm. “What the hell are you talking about? We riskedeverythingto get here.”

“No,youdid,” she spat back, pulling away. “I never said I wanted to come here.”

My mouth opened to rebuke her but stopped, my mind rolling back through our conversations, hearing my voice and not hers. I stepped back in shock, realizing not once had she ever stated her willingness to come here. She never pushed or even talked about getting the bracelet off. It was all me. I just assumed she did. It was a burden put upon her by those guards. Yet, I never saw them put it on her, never confirmed that was where she got the cuff.

“Who put that on you?” My voice was gruff and accusatory, my chin nodding at the element.

She tucked hair behind her ear, licking her lip.

“Raven?” My voice rose.

Her gaze was to the side, her jaw locking.


“My family did,” she yelled back, her arms thrown out.

“Wh-What?” I shuddered, spitting out each word. “They put it on you? Purposely?” How could anyone do that to their child?
