Page 149 of Rope the Moon

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I rough a hand over my hair, go on. “I love Dakota. I’ve loved her the last six years and haven’t stopped. I don’t need time. I don’t want to date her. I want to marry her and make her son mine.”

“Well,” Fallon sniffs. A bright sheen coats her eyes. “I guess you’re all kind of chivalrous, aren’t you?”

I chuckle, shake my head. “I want to be good with you, Fallon. Because you’re family. Youwillbe family.”

A long silence falls, and we stare out at the ranch. Across the sky, a golden eagle soars through cotton ball clouds.

“I’m riding because I want to, Davis,” Fallon says, breaking the quiet. Her face is angled toward the sun, away from me. “I want to be as good as Stede. I want to get out of Resurrection.”

I nod, thinking of what Dakota told me about Fallon’s broken dreams. Battered and bruised isn’t enough to scare Fallon away from what she wants. I can’t stop her. Or the yearning in her eyes. Fallon’s a raging river that no man can divert.

I close the space between us and curl my hands around her shoulders. Surprise creases her face as I turn her toward me. “Let me break it down for you, Fallon. There’s simply only so much time until you’re hurt. No matter how good you think you can ride. It’s inevitable.” I look her in the eyes and say softly, “You’ll get hurt. Maybe die.”

She nods slowly. “I understand.”

“Okay. Make sure you do.” I take the present from her hands and head toward the lodge.

“Davis, wait.” She follows, her lower lip pulled between her front teeth. “You won’t tell anyone, will you?”

I arch a brow. “Anyone mean Wyatt?” At her silence, I say, “He’ll find out. Sooner or later.”

“Will he be angry?” she asks, her eyes unguarded.

“I couldn’t tell you, honey. I don’t know.”

With that, I leave Fallon. She has her own demons to battle. Whether she listens to me or not, I said my peace. And I’ll be there for anything else she needs, whatever happens.

My boots carry me straight for the kitchen.

My truth north.

My girl.

Dakota’s putting the finishing touches on Ruby’s cake. Beautifully piped buttercream sunflowers unfurl over the cake like a blooming garden.

My heart pounds against my chest.

With her hourglass figure and bump riding low on her belly, Dakota’s fucking flawless. That pregnancy glow surrounds her like a halo. She shimmies around the kitchen in a sexy little dress that stops mid-thigh, and all I want to do is slide it up her curves and see what she’s got on underneath.

“What do you think?”

I stride toward her. “Think it’s the carrot cake to crush all carrot cakes.”

Dakota squints at the cake, lips pursed. “You think?”

“Baby, Ruby’s gonna lose her damn mind.” Which is what I’m close to doing.

“Think you can sacrifice one of those muscles to have a slice?” she teases.

I band my arms high around her waist and ease her back possessively against me. Sugar, milk, cream. Her scent goes straight to my cock, and it flexes.

“Think I wish I were that apron wrapped around your hips.”

“Goddamn it, Davis,” she swears as the cake rocks. “If you make this cake fall, I’ll kill you,” she growls, shoving sweaty hair off her brow. Her face flashes fierce, that no-bullshit look she gets when someone’s in her kitchen. Fuck, it turns me on.

I take her arm and haul her back toward the pantry.

“Davis,” she gasps, shoving at my chest, but I see the flames of excitement leaping into her eyes. “Everyone’s out there.”
