Page 176 of Rope the Moon

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Where the fuck is Dakota? She’s close. I can feel it.

A sharp gasp has all of us tensing.

Fallon groans. Her eyelids flutter. “It’s about damn time you assholes got here,” she says weakly.

Relief shoots through me. She’s still talking shit, which means she’s okay. For now.

“Goddamn left my soul for a second,” Ford breathes, increasing pressure on her wound.

Wyatt chokes out a laugh. “You ain’t lookin’ too good, cowgirl.”

“No shit,” she mutters.

“Fallon,” I say, leaning down. “Do you remember what happened? Where’s Dakota?”

“She ran.” Fallon whimpers, but her lips curl in a smile. “She stabbed the asshole in the fucking heart and ran into the woods.”

Pride pushes against my chest. That’s my girl.

“Where’s Aiden?”

“He went after her.” When she looks at me, my stomach turns. Her pupils could rival the moon. “I tried to stop him, but…he stabbed me like a little bitch.”

Wyatt winces as she lets out a cry of pain.

“Fuck, it hurts.” A harsh shudder wracks her frame. She turns glassy eyes up. “It hurts, Wyatt.”

“Yeah, it does, but you got this, don’t you?” Wyatt shifts her in his arms. “You’re tough.”

“Tough,” she pants.

“The toughest.”

Her hazel eyes close. Open. “I meant it when I said I hated you.”

“I know you did,” he murmurs, a hitch in his voice. His hands shake. “Stay with me, okay? You can hate me tomorrow.”

“I…will.” Head lolling in Wyatt’s lap, she looks pleadingly at me. “He has a knife. You have to find her.”

I smooth back her hair. “I will,” I promise.

I look at my brothers. Hand Ford the keys to my truck. “Get Fallon to the hospital. Fast,” I say grimly. “I’m going after King.”

Rope the moon, Koty. Rope the moon and run your pregnant ass off.

I’m on autopilot as I slice through the woods. There’s enough moonlight to illuminate my way. To give me hope.

My bare feet sweep over small rocks, grass, pine needles. Long, spindly branches scrape my bare legs. But I barely feel it. My entire focus is on escape. Get Aiden away from my sister. Keep Fallon and my baby safe.

“Poor little lost Dakota!” Aiden screams in the dark. I can hear him crashing behind me. “Always running! Just wait until I find you!”

Nausea constricts in my throat. I hold my belly as I run, like I can keep Squish in. I feel him in there, squirming around. It gives me fight. Makes me move.

If I can keep away from Aiden, hide in the woods, Davis will find me. All I have to do is survive.

I climb a small rocky hill that in my pregnant state feels like I’m scaling Everest. My belly feels like it weighs a hundred pounds. Still, I press on. My body won’t let me fail. And I won’t fail my son. I won’t fail myself.

Back to the ranch.It’s the sole mission in my mind.
