Page 180 of Rope the Moon

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Davis chuckles, then takes my chin between his fingers. He tilts my gaze to his and scours my face with an intensity I’ve never seen from him. “Are you hurt?” His massive hand palms my belly. “Squish?”

“We’re fine.” A knot of emotion forms in my throat. “My dad. Fallon.” Tears blur my vision. “She’s hurt. Aiden stabbed her. And my dad—”

“Stede’s alert and at the hospital by now. Bullet only grazed him. Fallon’s a little worse for wear, but she’ll be okay. Wyatt’s with her.”

I smile. “She’ll love that.”

“Let’s get you there, too. So we can get you and Squish checked over.”

“And then what?”

A grin tips his lips. “Didn’t you hear, Cupcake? We’re getting married.”

Dakota and the baby get poked and prodded until I’m reassured by the doctor that everything is okay. Dakota has heavy bruises and a cut on her abdomen, but she’s fine. Squish is okay too.

Thank God.

Thank God for Dakota.

She’s sore, but she’s alive.

A pissed off woman, a hurt woman, turns into one hell of a warrior. She got herself and our son out of there. Protected her sister. Saved my goddamn life.

Because if anything had happened to her…

Terror rakes its claws down my spine.

Fucking unfathomable.

With my hand guiding her out of the exam room, I turn to the doctor, unconvinced. “Are you sure they’re okay?”

Dakota grips my arm and rolls her eyes. “We’re fine.” She takes my hand and pulls me down the hallway. “C’mon, Hotshot. I want to see about my family.”

It’s commotion when we enter the waiting room. Half the damn town has come out to see about the McGraws. Keeping a tight grip on Dakota’s hand, I pull her through the ring of people. She’s covered in mud, her dark hair a wild snarl of forest, her faced bruised, but she’s never looked more beautiful.


When she sees us, Ruby bursts into tears, throwing her arms around both me and Dakota. Charlie passes me a flask and I take a nip and send it on down the line to Ford.

Richter arrives, a parade of cops flanking him. “What part of ‘you don’t have a badge’ did you not understand?” he asks, shaking his head as he takes my statement.

It’s short and simple. Aiden King kidnapped Dakota and held her hostage. I shot him to save her life.

No remorse. Bastard tried to take my family from me. He got what he deserves.

Soon the doctor arrives. He informs us a bullet grazed Stede and he should recover in two weeks. Fallon, on the other hand, has a nasty concussion. The cut was shallow. Nothing life-threatening, but because of the concussion, she’ll need months to recover.

We see Stede first.

Dakota flies into his arms. “I’m so glad you’re okay.”

Stede reaches out and grips my hand as I approach. Tears line his silver eyes. “You brought my girls back to me. Thank you, son.”

I clear my throat of emotion. “I told you I’d protect them. I meant it.”

Dakota fusses with his blanket. “You feel okay, Daddy?”

Stede barks a laugh. “Hell, I could lead a parade right now.”
