Page 20 of Rebel Fighter

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“Don’t stop, Trevor. Please,” I beg, moaning while I chase the release that’s right there. My eyes never leave his in the mirror as I watch him fuck me from behind. It’s hot, and I can see his concentration as he focuses on both of our pleasures. I can feel my orgasm coming on strong. I won’t last much longer with all his simulation, and he knows it. Two more deep thrusts and I’m a goner. I bite my lip to stop myself from screaming as my cunt quivers and clenches around his dick. I can hear the wetness between us from my orgasm.

After a few more deep drives, he stills holding himself inside me as his orgasm finally hits him and he comes inside me. “Be a good girl and keep all my cum inside you today.” He instructs as he pulls out from me. Some of our mixed cum begins to spill down my leg, but he grabs it with his finger and pushes it back inside me before helping to fix my thing and pull my pants back up.

Once he has me fully clothed, he takes care of himself before his arms come around me and he spins me to face him. Gone are the passion and desire. Once more it's anger and questions. Holding my breath, I wait to see what he is going to say.

I should feel dirty and disgusted at what we just did. Our first meeting should have been one where we talked and caught up on life. No, instead, it was us fucking in a public school bathroom and him using me, using my body to feel better. I loved every second of it, and I’m not ashamed.

“Not answering my question was the very answer that I needed, Emma.” He glares. His blue eyes darken and remind me of a storm. “That little girl is our daughter. One we made together. I will get you both out and protect you. No one touches my family, and that’s exactly what you both are.”

He turns to storm away from me, but thankfully my mind comes back to me before I let him get too far. “Trevor! No!” I shout, grabbing his bicep to pull him away from the door. “If my father finds out your back, Alexis and I will both pay for it. You can’t do anything. Withdraw from the fight. Please! Let me handle this and protect her.” I plead, tears streaming down my face now that the truth is out there.

Nine years of putting up with my father's hell to protect Alexis will be washed down the drain if Trevor intervenes. He has no idea what I’ve done for both of us to survive or what I will do to ensure that Alexis has a better and safer life than I ever have. If he gets involved, he will ruin everything for us.

“I’m a different person, Emma. A different man than the one who left you ten years ago. I can protect you, both of you.” He pulls his arm free from the hold and turns his icy stare at me.

The need for action, for revenge, is in his expression. He looks deadly, deadlier than I have ever seen him before. He’s right; he has changed. We both have. That doesn’t mean either change was for the better.

“I’ve protected her for the past nine years.” I shove against his chest. “We don’t need you to protect us.”

“The bruising along your ribs would say otherwise. I saw the way you flinched when I touched it.” He grasps both my wrists and holds them together in one hand. “I’m stronger, deadlier, and have a whole team behind me who will keep you both safe. Go back to class, get through the day, and wait to hear from me. Be ready to go at a second's notice when I tell you.”

His voice leaves no room for argument. I can see the hardness in his gaze. His mind is made up. It’s his way now. He’s done listening to me. Trevor got the answer he was seeking when I didn’t give him an answer. He played me the same way I thought I was playing him. I should have known better. The truth was bound to come out eventually now that he had returned. I just had hoped it wouldn’t have been so soon.

“I… We can’t.” I stutter, sobbing, trying to yank out of his hold.

“You can and you will, Emma. You and Alexis have always belonged by my side, and I will spend the rest of my life making this up to you.” He leans down to kiss me roughly before letting go of my wrists. In seconds, he has the door unlocked and leaves. Leaves me standing in the middle of the girls' bathroom, freshly fucked and crying.

How? How did my life get so fucked up?



Ihadn’t followed her into the bathroom to fuck her. That hadn’t been in my plans at all. I just needed her to be alone, private, so we could talk and I could demand answers from her. The second I saw her, though, all rational reasoning went out the window.

She’s matured so much in the past ten years. Gone is the teenage beauty and in her place is a gorgeous young woman unaware of just how stunning she is.

The second I watched her walk into the school this morning my dick was hard. I wanted her then and there. Hell, I still want her even after I just came inside her. She addicting, my own personal drug, that I can’t get enough of. When I’m with her, it’s like the whole world can be in chaos, but I won’t notice.

Every step I take down the halls tears a part of my soul in half. It’s not right leaving her, leaving our daughter in this school, or in the hands of the asshole, Robert. He promised that if I left her, she wouldn’t ever lay a hand on her again. I won the number of fights he asked for so Emma could have her freedom. She was supposed to be allowed to go away to college and live the life of a normal girl, not one who was trapped by her last name and her father's dealings.

He may seem like the greatest thing this city has seen, wanting to make it a better place for everyone to live. He said he wants the city to prosper and thrive. To be ranked one of the best places in the state, no country to live. Too bad it comes from his nefarious ways. The man is deeply involved in the underground. I wouldn’t say he is the leader of the mafia because I haven’t been able to prove that, even with all of my ties. He does, however, have several mafia ties, which is how he pulled off this MMA fight for Emma’s hand in marriage.

I’m starting to wonder if he made some bad transactions and that's the rush to get Emma married off. It would make sense, especially because he would get the money from events like this. Everyone shows up to see the fights as well as the betting, and those paying to get their fighters involved. Oh yeah, he’s getting a good chunk of change from the whole event. I will need to ask Sky to take a look at his financials and see if there is anything we can uncover and work with to our advantage. Eventually, if we can get enough information gathered, I have every intention of turning it over to the government for them to deal with him. I have all the proof I had gathered through high school, but it’s ten years old, and I know it won’t be enough for the authorities to work off of.

I will make him pay for everything he’s done. I have the means to make sure it happens. My first priority is making sure that Emma and our daughter are safe. Once they are safe and hidden away, I can continue focusing on taking Robert down. I just can’t make a move until they are far away from his reach.

The fact that I have a daughter still haunts me. I never would have suspected that. At least not that I wanted to admit. When I looked at her in pictures, I knew I recognized those eyes, and now I understand why. She has my eyes. Every other part of her looks very similar to Emma so I can understand why Robert chose to present her as Emma’s sister. Her eyes, though, are the dead giveaway that she isn’t.

I hate that I left Emma to raise our daughter alone. I should have been there; I would have been there no matter what Robert wanted. I had every intention of winning Emma back when she went away to college. I had a plan in place to do just that, but when she didn’t attend her dream school that I knew she had gotten accepted to, everything changed. I was left scrambling and redoing all my carefully laid plans. After I left, Emma became a recluse and was always home. I blamed myself, thinking I had broken her so badly that she just gave up on her hopes and dreams and decided to just stay under her father's thumb and submit to whatever he wanted. Now, I know she did it to protect our little girl. She gave up everything to try to give her a better life and keep her safe from the horrors her grandfather was involved in.

When it was supposed to be just getting Emma out, I had a plan. Fuck, I had several plans in place. Most of which involved getting her out before the final fight and keeping her safe and hidden. It would give away my involvement in the fights, but as long as she was taken care of, it was worth the risk.

With our daughter now involved, I will need to rethink my plans. I’ll need more security in place, and I’ll need to gather some supplies for her as well. Half of me wants to hide them in two separate places to make it harder for Robert to find them, but I know Emma would never be okay with being separated from her daughter. The second I get back to the compound, I’m going to pull everyone into a meeting to rework our plans. The sooner we get them out, the better.

Clearly, Robert never stopped abusing his daughter as he had promised. That means I can’t trust anything else he promised ten years ago either. This revelation may have changed some things but it doesn’t change the overall plan.

I will get both my girls out, and I will bring Robert down. There is no other option.
