Page 49 of Damned Embers

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"I wouldn't do that if I were you," I call out a lot stronger than before. "I bet you there are cameras in here. If you lay a hand on me in any shape or form she will know. Do you really think she wouldn't be watching me now? Then you would be sorely mistaken." I pause and watch his steps falter. "Now, how about you take me to use the damn restroom instead."

"You'll pay for this," he snarls, stomping forward and grabbing my bicep before hauling me up to my feet and dragging me behind him and out the door.

I don't bother asking where we're going. I just follow behind and try to stay on my feet. His grip is bruising but I think I've already tested him enough for now. Later, I can be a bitch again, if my captor doesn't do it first. I wasn't kidding about the bathroom though, I really do need to go and I'd rather not end up pissing myself in front of this Neanderthal.

"Bathroom, right here," he grunts, shoving me against a door. "You have two minutes. Make it quick. If I have to come in after you I make no promises."

"You really have to stop using that as a threat," I mumble, shoving my way into the door. Walking through the door my fear spiked more than I thought it was able. I guess being kidnapped from a bathroom will do that to you. Rather than testing the brutes theory, I make it quick to relieve myself and wash up. I'll be the perfect prisoner and lie in wait for my moment to fight back. This brute is no one. I need to find out the mastermind behind my imprisonment first. She is who I need to target.

One way or another, I will make it out of this alive. I won't give up, I want my men and I want my life. I now know what I had been missing in life. I will fight with everything I have and then some. I will make it home. One way or another.

Chapter Twenty-Nine

From the second I realized Sky was gone I've been on edge. The need to fight is bursting inside me and I'm doing everything I can to control it. I've tried to just take a breath and sit back letting Knox make arrangements but allowing someone else to take control isn't in me. The need to control everything thrums through my veins constantly just as it does Sebastian, though he hides that need a lot better than I do. Thankfully, Creed is more of a follower and tends to let us take the lead, otherwise, it'd be a shit show of constant competition.

Sky's been gone for almost twenty-four hours now and I've paced the length of the open area in our suite about a million times. Pretty sure there is a pathway dug into the carpet now from my walking. I told Knox he had an hour to make a move before I started making some of mine. Two hours ago he called in Trevor, one of his co-partners, to go to a fight for us. Everyone was worried about allowing me to fight. They were pretty sure I'd end up killing someone before we got any answers. I wouldn't. I know how important answers are. After we had them, then yes I would kill them for being in the way of saving my girl.

"Gunner!" Sebastian growls. "Can you please stop pacing? You're giving me a fucking complex. Sit down and play the bass or something."

I turn to glare at him before storming to the other side of the room to grab my bass and string a few chords. It's not the same as feeling my hand beating into someone's flesh but for now, it's good enough. It has to be. Focusing on my playing I let one song after another flow through me. I don't realize how much time has passed until a loud bang on our suite door pulls my attention.

"Who the fuck is that?" I snarl, unable to hold my temper back. Everyone who knows what's happening is in this room minus one person, who would probably call before banging on the door of a room where several people are on edge.

Knox opens the door, letting Trevor and an innocent-looking brown-haired unknown female into the room. "About fucking time you get here," Sebastian grumbles, rising to his feet. I place the bass down and move to stand behind me. This asshole kept us waiting so I'm with my brother, he doesn't get any pleasantries.

"Don't you start any shit, Sebastian!" the female snarls, marching right up to him and shoving her pointer finger into his chest. "We got here as fast as we fucking could after dropping the kids off at my sister's house. We are here to help your asses so be fucking grateful. Sky is family. You aren't." Her eyes promise death as she stares my brother and me down. When neither of us answers her, she huffs, spins on her heel, and goes back to Trevor's side.

"Damn, Emma," Steel, the third co-owner of Rockport Security, chuckles as he enters the room. "I knew you were feisty, but telling off a rockstar takes some balls. Remind me not to get on your bad side."

"You get on my bad side, you don't get any more cookies," Emma laughs.

"Noo, Em! You can't take the cookies from me," Steel drops to his knees in front of her begging.

I shake my head at the whole thing. When Sky first left us and Rockport Security approached us about being our personal security guards we met all three owners of the company. Knox, Trevor, and Steel were burly men who in my opinion were too stuck up, but we couldn't deny needing the extra security so we accepted their offer. Back then I knew Steel was a sort of joker but this is a whole new level. How they run a company together is amazing.

"Could we maybe focus on getting Sky back?" Creed questions, moving to the center of the room. His voice is shaken and I can tell my brother is barely holding it together.

"The fight is in an hour," Trevor begins jumping right in while glaring at Steel. It looks like the man is about to punch his own partner if he doesn't back away from the girl. Clearly, the two of them are together if his glare is anything to go by. If that was Sky I'd have her plastered to my side not letting anyone near her so I understand the look he has now. "Emma, my love, you are going to stay here with the guys and Steel. Knox will go with me. As soon as we have answers we will call for you to meet us."

"I should go with you," I call out, stepping around Sebastian. I can't stay in this room any longer. It's not happening, I will lose my mind.

"Sorry, Gunner, but you need to stay here. I can't trust that you will keep your temper and honestly, I trust you men to watch my wife more than I trust Steel, the man is a jokester and can't be serious to save his life," Trevor answers, shutting me down immediately.

I open my mouth to argue but Sebastian places his hand on my shoulder yanking me backward. "Gunner and I will stay here to watch your woman. Take Creed he won't cause any issues and can help watch your back."

I turn to glare at my brother but his eyes are focused straight ahead on Trevor. Fucking asshole trying to control me. If we weren't in a room full of people I'd punch him in the face right now. Sky is ours. We should be the ones out there saving her, not relying on others. We don't need them.

"Appreciate it, man," Trevor nods, pulling his wife into him and kissing her. "Stay here and be good for the band. Creed, you ready?"

I watch as my brother grabs a hoodie off the back of the couch and walks out the door, following Trevor and Knox while leaving Sebastian and me behind. Yeah, I'm going to kick Creed's ass too when this is done. If everyone just let me do my thing we would have Sky back by now and she wouldn't ever leave my damn side again. When we get her back I will be punishing her. She should have been more careful and not let herself get taken.



Twenty minutes ago, Trevor walked into our hotel suite ready to get answers. Now, I'm sitting in the back of his truck as we drive to an abandoned warehouse on the outskirts of the city where underground fights are known to take place. Knox thinks this is how we are going to get answers. I'm trusting him to know what's right, but I can't help but think we are going about this the wrong way.

Gunner recognized a tattoo on one of the men who took our girl from the restaurant as belonging to the underground fighting ring. The problem is, that same tattoo was cut off and left in a box outside our room. Clearly, whoever is behind this is a complete fucking psychopath with no regard for any sort of humanity, which has me even more worried for Sky. She's a sweet innocent girl who doesn't deserve any of this. There's no reason to take her, to hurt. We need to get her back, the sooner the better before my brothers and I lose ourselves completely.
