Page 62 of Damned Embers

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“Go right on in. The jury should be called out momentarily.” Hailey walks away toward a back door leaving us where we stood before.

“Ready, Demon Queen?” Gunner questions, lowering his gaze to match mine as he searches my face.

“Ready as I can be. Let’s go,” I grasp Sebastian's hand tighter and let Creed open the door to let us inside.

Silence fills the courtroom as we enter. A few heads turn to look at us but most pay us no mind. I’m thankful for that. Only one person sits on the defense side, behind where Alexandra’s lawyer sits. It’s William, her uncle. I’m not surprised the asshole is here. Probably trying to do everything he can to ensure his image isn’t completely ruined.

Sebastian leads us to the front row where Gunner slides in on the other side of me with Creed taking the row behind us. Ever the sentries, all of them. Gunner takes my free hand and Creed massages my shoulders as we wait. Only a few minutes pass before we are all asked to rise as the judge enters, followed by Alexandra being led in by a guard, and then finally the jury.

“Have you all reached a decision?” The judge questions the lead juror.

“We have,” he answers. “We find the defendant Alexandra guilty on all charges including first-degree murder, kidnapping, and attempted murder.”

“Thank you, jurors, you are dismissed,” the judge calls out. “Alexandra, you will be held at the Coventry Correctional Facility without bail where you will await a hearing for sentencing. Everyone is dismissed.” The judge slams the gavel against the desk and stands to walk away.

I don’t wait to see Alexandra escorted out or to see the look on William’s face. I stand and my men lead the way out of the room. Knowing she was found guilty is a relief for all of us. We’re free. She can’t get to us and we can live the life we’ve been building for ourselves without that hanging over our heads.

“Do you want to talk about it?” Creed asks as he holds the door to the backseat of our SUV open for me.

“Nope, let’s get over to Trevor’s we have a party to attend,” I smile. I know my eyes are sparkling with mischief because I have a secret for my men. I wanted to wait until we were done with Alexandra before I told them the good news. Emma helped me set up a party so I could make the announcement.

“You don’t have to talk about it now, Computer Genius, but when you’re ready we all will be here,” Creed kisses my forehead before strapping me and closing the car door. My men are honestly the sweetest, always making sure I’m taken care of and spoiling me. I’m not even allowed to open my door. One of them is there to open doors, cook me food, and even strap me into my seat. I know the second I make my announcement shit is going to get even crazier in our household. Pretty sure the guys will even start carrying me around.

The drive to Rockport isn’t too long but it is pretty quiet. The guys speak about their new record label, Blue Sky Records, and how well they have been doing. For now, the label is just them but they already have had some managers reaching out about signing other smaller bands as well. It’s great to see how popular they all are in the music industry. This is everything we wanted growing up and I’m so happy all our dreams are coming true.

Sebastian parks in the driveway when we pull up. I can see everyone’s cars already here as I look out the window. No one knows what this party is about. Emma and I said we just wanted to have a small get-together for everyone to relax and celebrate.

“Princess,” Sebastian growls as he catches my eyes in the rearview mirror. “I don’t know what you’re up to but you need to behave today. If you don’t I will be punishing you tonight.”

“Jokes on you, Baby,” I laugh. “I love your punishments.” I stick my tongue out and climb out of the backseat before anyone can get the door for me. If he wants to punish me for being a brat at the moment then I can’t wait to see what he decides to do when he sees what awaits inside.


“Alright now that we all have had time to eat and get some good laughs in, it’s time for a few announcements,” Emma calls out getting everyone’s attention.

From the moment I walked inside her house, I was excited and nervous. I tried to avoid my men just so I wouldn’t ruin the surprise of this moment. We had worked so hard to surprise them and I refused to ruin it.

“If you are about to tell us that you’re having another kid, Emma, then I think we are going to need to expand the company more so we can build a daycare,” Steel jokes from where he leans against the kitchen counter. Most of us were gathered around in the living room talking but a few of the guys were drinking beers in the kitchen, chatting about god knows what.

“No, I’m good with Alexis and Liam for now thank you very much, Steel.” Emma snarks before bringing a cake over from where we had it sitting in the study. “Now if I could please have our resident rockstars front and center.”

I watch Creed and Gunner move from the kitchen and Sebastian rises to his feet from beside me after giving me a questioning look. I just smile and shake my head. I know exactly what is on that cake. It’s why we haven’t let anyone near it. As the guys move around the cake, Emma slides to the side and takes the spot on the couch that Sebastian just vacated.

“You ready for this?” she whispers in my ear and grips my hand.

“One hundred percent,” I smile. “Open the cake boys,” I demand.

Gunner lifts the lid off the box slowly. I watch closely as they read what’s written on the cake. In the center is a sonogram picture of our little baby and then we had ‘Congratulations Daddies’ written around it. Creed reacts first, a smile breaking out as he looks up at me and practically runs over and launches himself at me in a huge hug. Laughing, I peer over his shoulder and catch Gunner smiling up at me. He gives me a nod and slowly walks over to me. Sebastian is who I’m worried most about. He’s standing still, not moving a muscle. I can’t read his expression. His eyes are locked on me but even they are void of emotion. It’s scary.

“We’re having a baby?” Creed asks through a laugh as he kisses my cheek.

“We are,” I laugh in return, unable to hold back anymore. I’m so excited about this, about building our family. “You okay with that?”

“We are more than okay with it,” Gunner answers for him as he shoves Creed back enough to lean over behind me and place a soft kiss on my lips. Together we all look over to where Sebastian still stands. The rest of the living room cleared out to give us all space, sensing that there is more going on here.

“Bas,” I mumble, rising from the couch and walking over to him. I place my hand against his cheek softly, almost afraid of how he was going to react to my touch. “Are you okay?”

“You’re pregnant?” he whispers so softly I almost don’t hear him.

“Yeah, I’m about eight weeks along. I wanted to surprise you all with the news but I’m starting to think that maybe it wasn’t the best idea.” I’m terrified that he hates this. I should have asked my men if they were ready to become dads. I didn’t ask. I just thought it would be good to surprise them. I should have talked to them about it first. Fuck. I am a horrible wife.

“I…,” Bas mumbles before dropping to his knees. He leans against my stomach holding me to him as he places several kisses against the, for now, flat area. “I’m terrified that I’ll be a horrible father, but I know you are going to have an amazing mom who will remind me every day of the father you need me to be.”

Tears fall from my eyes as I watch my husband down on his knees making promises to our unborn child. I never once in my life thought that I could bring the mighty Sebastian to his knees ever again. I did it once and that was enough for me but now. I could get used to this. The shield he keeps in place around him is shattered into pieces.

“You,” I murmur, placing my head on Sebastian’s head. “All of you,” I look to my other guys. “Are going to be the most amazing fathers to this child. Each of you are going to teach them new skills and remind them of how loved they are every day. We will all make mistakes, but we will figure out parenthood together. I love you. All of you.”

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