Page 103 of Take Her from You

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I did. Badly. But it wasn’t to be that evening. When Ariel and Daisy left so I could get Tobi to bed, my daughter clung to me, not letting me go. Her legs ached, and when she was hurting, my resilient, buoyant, sweet girl needed me. So I did exactly that. I stayed at her side. Slept by her bed.

Any other conversation could wait.

Chapter 28


Brandished like a weapon, Tobi jabbed her breakfast spoon my way. “When you were in the army, did you fight wars?”

“I was deployed, aye. Usually to defend places and people, though.”

“Where did you go?”

“All over the place. Canada with the UN, North Africa to help train people. Wherever the Royal Regiment of Scotland sent me.”

“What was it like?”

“A lot of walking places or waiting around. No junk food.”

Her arms circled the bowl of sugary cereal in front of her. “Did you have a gun?”

“Aye, a big one.” I winked at her ma.

“Tobi, eat your cereal and stop bothering Valentine,” Mia chided, her cheeks pink.

In that damn blue tabard I now associated with a strip show, Mia crossed the kitchen behind her lass, reaching to a high cupboard to put a box away. I climbed up and rounded the table to take it from her, sliding it into place and invading her space. I didn’t hide my regard for her, and she flashed me a sexy look. Fucking hell did I want her.

Tobi angled her head at me when I took my seat again. “Am I bothering you?”

I grinned. “Nope. Let’s turn this around. Is Tobi short for anything or is that a whole name?”

“It’s short for October. My granny’s birth year.”

“Month,” Mia corrected. “Also the month we lost her, coincidentally. A week before she would’ve turned fifty-five.”

I twisted to the picture of her ma on the wall. “Ye did a great job with these two, Mrs Walsh. The Tobster is out here rocking your memory, and Mia’s killing it at life and at work. I’m sure ye know already.”

When I turned back, Mia was still watching me. “I didn’t think you knew our surname.”

“Not from your lips. It’s on the stack of letters there. Not snooping, just observant.” I pointed at the countertop then took another bite of toast. “Do ye know mine?”

She tutted at me. “Of course I do, Mr Valentine Bhaltair Graham. I spent enough time with you in hospital rooms.”

It was my turn for surprise. Mia’s expression became smug. But the moment passed with her alarm going off. She and Tobi hustled, collecting bags and jackets, then headed out into the bright morning for work and school, leaving me alone.

I had two days left until Nurse Heather said I could move normally around my injury, but my brain and body both achedto be useful. If Mia didn’t have to work, I had endless ideas of how to pass the time, but I was out of luck there.

Noises came from next door, a familiar sound with the renovations underway. I headed outside to where bright sunshine warmed the covered porch, the spring day promising to be beautiful. Ally carried a toolbox in the door.

I hailed him. “Need any help in there?”

He stopped. “I appreciate the offer, but naw. After this, I’m done. Want to come check it out? Gordain said you’re the likely new occupant.”

He gestured with his head, and I followed him inside, limping to keep the weight off my leg.

He squinted at me. “Shouldn’t ye be on crutches?”

I huffed a laugh. “Ye sound like Mia and my nurse. I’m fine. Taking it steady. I learned my lesson.”
