Page 133 of Take Her from You

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Silence fell.

Simon choked. “She’ll take the house, too, Mummy. Where are we going to live?”

His brother grabbed at him. Someone shrieked. A tussle broke out between the brothers.

Valentine’s careful touch on my arm brought my focus to him. “Is that right? None of it is theirs?”

“I got the asset list in an email this morning. Vanissa’s lovely house, the one we weren’t allowed in much, belonged to Tobi’s dad, along with the business. Which, by the way, isn’t losing money like she claimed, but thriving.”

“And that all belongs to October.” He stood up. “I cannae think of a more worthy lass than her. Come on. Let me take ye somewhere to celebrate.”

All I wanted was to be in his arms.

Against the clamour of voices, I took his hand in mine.

At the door, I threw a parting comment over my shoulder. “In case it isn’t clear, my daughter is now the sole owner of Winchester Holdings. Peter, please have Jennifer fire Greg and Simon from whatever jobs they have here. They are no longer welcome on the premises. Oh, and this meeting is over and the agenda denied. My lawyers will be in touch.”

Then I left the boardroom and walked away with the man I loved.

Chapter 39


Behind the wheel of my car, Valentine drove me home.

“So are the sons really not entitled to anything?” he asked.

“I don’t know. Maybe they are. That’s up to a judge to decide. I just wanted to rattle them since they gave me hell.”

He snickered, his grin unending since I’d laid my evidence down. Then it reduced a smidge, some thought occurring to him. “Will ye move back to Dundee now?”

“Why would I?”

“Ye own that big house. It was the place ye spent the last days with your ma. It would make sense to take ownership.”

I opened my mouth and stared him down. “Pull over.”

Valentine checked his mirrors then halted at the side of the road. “What?—”

I leaned across the car and kissed him. He gave up a hungry sound and mapped his lips to mine.

“Didn’t you just fly all this way to be by my side? Why do you think I’d be in such a hurry to leave yours? I have a home. It’s a beautiful cottage made perfect for me by the kindest man.”

He rubbed his nose against mine and kissed me again. “Thank fuck for that. Now tell me everything that happened after I left last night.”

So I did. My research, the things I’d been told, and even the tears. We drove with him holding my hand and taking my heart.

After stopping off for lunch, which Valentine called an official date, we returned just in time to collect Tobi from school. Together, we crossed the playground to wait for the doors to open.

Purposefully, Valentine interlaced our fingers.

The pretty mom who’d asked him out was off to the side. “Look, he’s off the market. Lucky bitch,” she whispered to her friend.

I shot her a grin. I was lucky. At least I hoped so. There was still a conversation to be had, but I was almost certain how that was going to go after the events of the day.

Tobi sped from the door and bypassed me to hug Valentine’s waist. “Where were ye last night?” she complained.

He knelt to her level, his expression full of regret. Her Hello Kitty hairclip was in danger of falling out, her blonde bangs in her eyes, so Valentine unclipped it and set it back into place. “I had some important work to do, but if it’s okay, I’ll come home with ye now?”
