Page 4 of Unseen Destiny

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“If we don’t, the pack will think you’re hiding something,” his beta offered as he matched his alpha’s brisk pace.

“You know I have nothing to hide, Derek. It’s not me.”

“I know. I believe you, but the pack is still having a hard time accepting you as their alpha, and, unfortunately, these accusations about who is behind these attacks, among other things, are not helping.”

“No shit,” Mason snapped, instantly silencing his righthand man.

One of the pack’s enforcers stepped into the hall and fell into step with Mason and Derek.

“The perimeter is secure. The stage is set up in the community gym, and people are venturing in through the open doors out front. I have a man stationed there just in case we get someone who wants to take a cheap shot at you.”

It irritated Mason that this was even an issue. He knew it was unlikely that the whole pack would warm up to him quickly. Thankfully, some had, but the majority hadn’t.

Mason didn’t care about the popularity vote. It was how the division would end up fracturing the pack if he didn’t get a handle on it soon. That, on top of the drama that surrounded his name at the moment, was the perfect recipe for nonstop pressure.

He spotted an exit sign by way of a side door. “I need some air before we have this little meeting.”

The two shifters kept a respectful distance as they followed him outside.

His heightened shifter nose caught a whiff of a new scent, though familiar, that was already awaiting them in the back area.

“Ah, Diana. To what do I owe the pleasure?” Mason turned to where the soft scent originated and found the forty-three-year-old silently looking up at the fading colors of the sky.

She gave a soft but sad smile, never looking away from the oncoming night.

“Oh, I was just on my way to the meeting and wanted to stop here for a moment to gather myself.” Her gentle eyes turned and looked at Mason, who had come to stand by her. The pain he saw there pulled heavily at his heart, and for a moment, he was happy he had never loved like this.

“You know, this is where Zach first kissed me.” Her face reddened as she returned her attention to the sky. “Well, it was more of a make-out session.”

Mason smiled at her choice of memory before turning paternal. “I know this is a dumb question, but how have you been doing? Is there anything that I can do to help?”

“Oh, thank you, Mason. But no. It was sudden and unexpected, but we are all set. I just wish we could still be with each other in more than just memories and dreams.”

She turned back to him. “He would have liked you if he had gotten to know you better. I know it.” Diana gave an encouraging smile before walking inside. “See you there,” she called.

The widow’s last comment only brought the true issue of tonight’s meeting to the forefront. As good as the intention of the meeting was, the entire thing still stung.

He turned to Derek standing by the door. He knew when not to crowd his alpha.

“I need the pack to trust me. That’s the problem here. I’ve been alpha for long enough and am still trying to bring this pack back from the brink of the feralness it had almost fallen to.” Mason let out a harsh laugh. “Ironically, that’s what is going to take me down. With these accusations flying around with no evidence of who the real culprit is, it seems like the more and more unsure they get.”

It was exhausting trying to bring this pack together from the tatters it was once in, but Mason was a true alpha. He earned this right, and he had to be as threatening as possible to keep his pack in line and know that he could back it up. He hated that it had to be him, but that was what was needed, especially now.

There had been many challenges at first, but Mason was victorious each time. And easily, for that matter. But he had to squash the shit that was going on now, or rumors would be his downfall instead of another wolf. That was no way for an alpha to go out.

“We will get to the bottom of this. They’re bound to slip up or leave something behind.”

Mason nodded at Derek’s loyal advice. He’d been there for him since he had stepped in as alpha and had never let him down.

“We just have to be careful who we trust.” Derek’s imposing stature almost made it sound like a threat instead of asuggestion. But that was just how he was. No bullshit, and that’s what Mason counted on.

Mason gripped his friend’s shoulder as he walked back to head inside. “I know. Right now, it’s me and you and the few enforcers that you trust to keep this issue in line. I need this shit handled. Whoever is doing this wants this pack to fall to their feral, animalistic side. The side that almost destroyed it.”

“Until you stepped in.”

Derek’s tone was so deadpan that if Mason hadn’t known better, he’d have thought there was bitterness there.

Mason patted his beta’s shoulder and made his way inside. “Now, let’s put a smile on.” He and Derek shared a sarcastic chuckle, both knowing full well that Mason was going to have to bare his teeth and let the pack know how serious these so-called rumors were.
