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She grabbed her phone, wanting to call Callum. She didn't want them to fight, but as she grabbed it, she realized she didn't have his number. She had no way to call him and ask him to come back.

She wished he hadn't left. She liked to work a problem out rather than have someone storm out of the room.

She decided she would go to his place and talk to him in person. She didn't want them angry at each other, and certainly not this early into whatever relationship they did have.

She didn't know how it was going to go, but she wanted to be prepared, and she wanted them to sit down and talk about more than just the article. Now that she was knocked up, they had a lot of things to discuss.

She headed into her bedroom and grabbed an overnight bag. She started throwing things into it … underwear, a bra, pants, a shirt, and something to sleep in. She tossed in her brush and toothbrush.

She slid on a pair of shoes and her jacket. She hoped it didn't rain before she got to his place.

She grabbed her purse and her keys and headed down to her car. On her way, she chewed her lip, wondering if she would even be let inside his home. What if he refused because he didn't want to talk to her?

She was in her head for the entire drive, unsure of what she was going to say to him. She got rid of the article, but what if he was still mad that she hadn't told him sooner?

She pulled up in front of the gate, and her stomach dipped. She stared at the security guard, and she wondered if she should just go home. Maybe Callum would come visit her in a few days. She frowned. It wasn't fair to make him come looking for herwhen she was the one in the wrong. She needed to talk to him now.

So, she pulled her car up to the gate. The guard looked at her and quickly stood at attention. She swallowed, wondering if Callum warned him about her.

"I'm here to see Callum …" she said, feeling her voice shake. "Can you call to see if he will see me? It's urgent."

The guard looked at her for a moment before he nodded and pushed a button. "You can head in. Callum said he will see you at the door."

She was a little shocked by how quickly they okayed it. She thanked him before she drove past the gates and toward the house. Her heart was racing as she parked, and Callum opened her car door, standing in front of her.

He looked angry still but calmer than he was before. He raised an eyebrow at her, took in the duffle bag in the other seat, and then looked back at her.

She cleared her throat. "I thought about it, and you're right. I don't know much about the shifter world, and it would be wrong of me to just write an article without thinking about the outcome it will have."

Callum tilted his head. "What did you do with the article then?"

She thought about her shredder. There was no piecing it back together. "It's gone. I put it through my shredder. I shredded everything, every last detail. It's all gone."

His shoulder seemed to drop a little at that, and she swallowed. She climbed from the car and stepped toward him. "I'm sorry. I'm not a shifter, so I don't know the dos and don'ts, but I want to. If our baby is a shifter, I need to know everything I can.”

His expression relaxed a little more, but she continued.

"I want to be a good mom, Callum. I got rid of the article because I want our child to live a good life without something from the past damaging it. But I don't know this world. I don't know anything, so I need you to teach me. I need a little guidance here."

Tears built because she didn't want to screw this up. She didn't want her child to live a life where its parents couldn't get along. She didn't want to have to put on a brave face like she wasn't in pain. She wanted to be the best mom she could be, and if that meant putting some things aside, then so be it. She would do whatever she had to in order to make this work.

Callum sighed and stepped closer. "Fine, but you have to promise me something."

She nodded.

"You have to promise not to betray me like that again. I can't have you going behind my back when I need to be able to trust you. And if I don't trust you, then what is the point?"

She knew that. She agreed. "I know. No more writing about the shifters. I promise."

He gave her a soft smile. "Then come inside. It's going to start raining soon."



“I’m glad you heard me out and came to reason,” Callum said as Fiona walked through the door.

He shut it behind her, and she turned to face him.
