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They collapsed onto the bed, spent and breathless. Callum wrapped his arms around her as they caught their breath, basking in the afterglow of their lovemaking.

"Wow," she said breathlessly, turning to look at him with a satisfied smile on her face.

Callum couldn't stop smiling as he held Fiona in his arms. He couldn't believe how incredible it felt to be with this woman. Every touch and every kiss ignited a fire within him. And he knew at that moment that he never wanted to let go of her.

He couldn't helpbut feel a little disappointed that Fiona had decided to stay in tonight. He had hoped she would join him at the masquerade, but she had insisted on staying home to rest. Ever since their passionate lovemaking last night, she seemed more tired than usual.

"Are you sure you don't want to join me?" he asked again as he finished buttoning his shirt. "I would love to have you by my side."

Fiona smiled from where she was curled up in his bed, her hand resting on her stomach. "Yes, I'm sure. I'm tired and just want to relax. This kiddo is already taking it out of me," she joked, patting her growing belly.

Callum's face lit up at the mention of their unborn child. The thought of having a family with Fiona filled him with joy and excitement.

"I understand," he said, walking over to her and planting a kiss on her forehead. "But promise me you'll take care of yourself while I'm gone. Remember, keep the door locked and rest. I'll finish my rounds and then be back in no time."

Her smile was sleepy. "No rush. I'm just gonna enjoy having this bed all to myself." She wriggled down into the sheets.

Callum liked seeing Fiona in his bed.

"Okay." He gave her another kiss. "Call if you need anything." He gave her one last smile before heading out the door.

As he closed it behind him, he tried to tell himself that he was being paranoid. Nothing would happen to her while she was in his house, locked in his room. This was the Alpha's estate, after all.



Fiona gradually surfaced from a light doze, noises penetrating her sleeping mind. Loud and raucous laughter echoed from nearby party guests. She grimaced, shifting position in the bed. She groaned, rolling over again, trying to find that perfect comfy spot, and she once more dozed off.

Another noise jarred her back awake. A subtle creaking noise … furniture shifting slightly? Blearily, Fiona raised her head, blinking around the dim but elegant room.Had a drunken guest wandered in here?

"Hello?" she called out drowsily. "Someone there?"

No response came. Warily sitting up straighter, she peered closely into the chamber's shadows. Too late, Fiona noticed glinting eyes rushing toward her, gleaming with malevolent delight. "Why, hello there, little mama …" purred a gut-wrenchingly familiar rasp. "Fancy meeting you here …"

Fiona's chest seized in naked fear, recognizing the vicious countenance of Rocco looming over her. Lungs burning, she sucked in air to raise an alarmed cry …

But before more than a faint squeak emerged, Rocco's calloused hand clamped brutally over her mouth and nose, stifling the aborted scream.

"Uh, uh, uh …" he tsked softly, his foul breath hot on her cheek as his grip tightened relentlessly. "No need to cause a scene and ruin my fun."

Rocco grinned ferally, flashing pointed incisors inches from her wide, terrified eyes. "You just be a good little mother-to-be and come along nice and quiet for our … outing."

Fighting the black tide of panic and knowing she had no choice, Fiona managed a tiny nod against his crushing palm …

The instant Fiona signaled surrender, he released his grip. But before she could fully gasp relieved lungfuls, he whirled her around, wrenching both arms behind her back to prevent any resistance.

Fiona shuddered, feeling sharp claws trailing up her neck as Rocco leaned in close for a long inhale. "Mmmm, imagine all that pure shifter essence flowering within you, little mama …" He took liberties with her, feeling up and down her body. "No wonder my boy Callum can't control himself around a ripe thing like you …"

“I swear, my mate will kill you before you …”

He crouched, lifted her shirt, and kissed her tummy. “Shhh, you don’t want to wake our little prince, do you? I would hate to see any harm come to him …” Rocco grasped her chin, tilting it up to meet his fiery gaze. "That precious cargo you carry determines the future for us all, little mama. Who's to say what might … befall … such a helpless babe without proper protection?"

He tapped one finger lightly, mockingly, against her rounded belly in implied menace toward the heir within. Fiona flinched but refused to cower.

Rocco chuckled at her useless bravado. "Some things loom beyond even an alpha's control. You'll learn that soon enough. And then that next generation you shield may fall under …different governance."

Jaw clenched, Fiona yearned to strike the gloating smirk from his smug face. But bindings restrained her, forcing silence in response to implied threats toward Silver Claw lineage. She clung to the faith Callum would never allow harm toward his only son and fated mate.
