Page 14 of Mated to the Amarok

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I nodded, acknowledging her compliment. “You’re an eager student. You are among the few who embrace the wild.”

We made our way back to the cave, our footfalls synchronized in the thickening snow. With each step, I felt an unspoken rhythm develop between us, a harmony that resonated with my very being.

As we walked, Claudia’s hand brushed against mine—a fleeting touch that sent an unfamiliar jolt through me. It was accidental, perhaps, but it lingered like a spark threatening to ignite. My instincts fought fiercely.

We reached the cave as dusk claimed the sky, painting it in shades of purple and gold. Inside, the fire from breakfast reduced to embers. I stoked it back to life as Claudia settled in, unwinding from the day’s journey.

She pulled out a journal from her pack and scribbled notes about what we observed. Her brow furrowed in concentration, lips moving as she recounted the day’s lessons. Seeing her fully engrossed in her work amazed me—a person devoted to comprehending a completely unfamiliar world.

“Tell me,” she said without looking up from her writing, “do amaroks ever feel torn between their nature and... other things?”

Her question caught me off guard. Was it mere curiosity or something more? “We are creatures of instinct,” I started, “but we also possess intelligence and emotion. The conflict is not unfamiliar.”

Claudia nodded, meeting my eyes. “And you? Do you feel that conflict?”

I hesitated, my throat tightening with an admission I didn't expect to make. “Yes,” I confessed. “Lately, more than ever.”

She closed her journal and set it aside, leaning back against the cave wall with a thoughtful look. “It’s difficult—balancing what we’re taught with what we feel.”

Her words echoed within me, mirroring my turmoil. The fire crackled between us as if punctuating her statement with its dance of light and shadow.

I shifted closer to her; the space between us became charged with an energy I struggled to name. “And what about you?” I asked. “Does your nature conflict with your feelings?”

She paused before answering—a pause laden with significance. “It does,” she admitted. “But sometimes... sometimes what we feel is a part of our nature, too.”

The firelight flickered across her features, highlighting the earnestness in her eyes—a look that invited me closer still.

“I’m learning that,” I whispered.

We sat there by the fire’s glow as night settled around us like a cloak. Our conversation dwindled into comfortable silence—a shared solitude that felt less like isolation and more like companionship.

Claudia drifted into sleep; her breaths deepened into the steady rhythm of slumber. I watched over her as she slept—this human who ventured into my world and touched something within me I didn't know existed.

A mix of emotions churned inside me: protectiveness, curiosity... affection? The maelstrom both excited and unnerved me—feelings foreign yet undeniable as they took root.

Outside, the stars shone bright against the dark sky—witnesses to whatever unfolded between us within these stone walls—and for once, I did not long for solitude beneath their watchful gaze but cherished the presence beside me: Claudia, my unexpected companion in this vast wilderness we both called home for now.



I stirred in the darkness, the fire’s embers casting a warm glow on the cave walls. My heart pounded in my chest, a mix of anticipation and nerves coursing through me. Zunnik’s steady breathing echoed from across the cave, and I knew he was still awake. I couldn’t ignore the pull between us any longer.

Swinging my legs over the side of the makeshift bed, I padded across the cold stone floor. Zunnik’s eyes flickered open as I approached, his gaze meeting mine in the dim light. He sat up, the furs around him rustling.

“Claudia?” he asked, his voice low and gravelly.

I didn’t respond, instead settling down beside him. The heat radiating from his comforting body, and I leaned into it, closing my eyes. Zunnik’s arm wrapped around my shoulders, pulling me closer. We sat in silence for a moment, the only sound the crackling of the dying fire.

“Zunnik,” I whispered, turning to face him. “I can’t keep pretending like this isn’t happening.”

His eyes searched mine, and I could see the conflict within him. He wanted this as much as I did, but something held him back. I reached up, tracing the line of his jaw with my fingers. He leaned into my touch, his breath hitching.

“Claudia,” he murmured, his voice barely audible.

Before he could say another word, I closed the distance between us, pressing my lips to his. He hesitated for a moment before responding, his arms tightening around me. The kiss deepened, our tongues tangling together as we lost ourselves at the moment.

Zunnik’s hands roamed my body, exploring every curve and contour. I reciprocated, running my fingers through his hair and tracing the muscles of his chest. We broke apart, both of us panting, and I could see the desire in his eyes.
