Page 22 of Mated to the Amarok

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As I rose to claim her lips once more, I could taste her on my tongue—a heady mixture of sweetness and salt that only fueled my desire for her.

I positioned myself between her legs then, my erection throbbing with need as I pushed into her. She gasped, her eyes widening in surprise as I filled her completely.

I moved then, my hips rolling in a rhythm that was both primal and controlled. Claudia moaned beneath me, her hands clawing at my back as I drove into her with an ever-increasing intensity.

I could feel her body tightening around me, her muscles clenching in anticipation of her second climax. And then, with a fierce cry, she came again—her body shaking beneath me as I continued to pound into her.

My release approached. I thrust into her one last time, burying myself deep within her as I spilled my seed. We lay there together, our bodies slick with sweat and desire, our hearts pounding in unison.

As I pulled out of her, I gazed into her eyes, my heart swelling with love and gratitude. With Claudia by my side, I felt a level of completeness and fulfillment I never experienced.

And as I held her close, our bodies still entwined, nothing could ever come between us—not the storm raging outside, not the world that sought to tear us apart. Bound by a love as fierce and unyielding as the elements.

As I drifted off to sleep, my arm wrapped protectively around Claudia, I found my true home—not in the wilderness, but in the warmth of her embrace. And as I closed my eyes, I whispered a silent vow to protect her, to cherish her, and to love her for all eternity.

The blizzard turned into a thunderstorm raging outside. I slept and dreamed of a future filled with love, adventure, and the promise of a life shared between two hearts that finally found their way home.

And so, as the first light of dawn filtered into the cave, I awoke to find Claudia still in my arms—her breathing slow and even, her body warm and inviting. And as I gazed down at her, my heart swelling with love and gratitude, I found my true purpose in life—to protect her, to cherish her, and to love her with all my being.



I awoke nestled in Zunnik’s powerful embrace, my body still tingling from our passionate night. His musky scent enveloped me, making my heart flutter. Zunnik’s eyes burned with an intensity I never saw before as he gazed down at me.

“Claudia.” His deep rumble sent a shiver down my spine. “I cannot let you leave.”

I opened my mouth, but no words came out. Zunnik’s large hand cupped my cheek, his calloused thumb tracing my jaw.

“You are my true mate,” he said, his gravelly voice thick with emotion. “I’ve spent centuries alone, never knowing the depths of this connection until you.”

My breath caught in my throat as he pulled me closer, our bodies molding together. The heat of his skin seared me, branding me as his.

“Stay with me, Claudia. Be mine, forever.”

Zunnik’s words washed over me like a tidal wave, leaving me adrift in a sea of turmoil. Part of me longed for this, to be claimed by this magnificent creature. But could I truly abandon my world for his?

I searched his rugged features, mesmerized by the swirl of emotions in his golden eyes. Love. Longing. Desperation. He was baring his very soul to me, a solitary being finally opening himself up after eons of solitude.

My lips parted, but I couldn’t find the words to respond. How could I convey the storm raging within me? This went beyond a mere dalliance or physical attraction. Zunnik was offering me his everything, and I...I...

The chill of the cave contrasted with the warmth of Zunnik’s body as he lay beside me. His words echoed in my mind, a promise of forever that was both thrilling and terrifying. My heart raced with the intensity of our connection, yet my thoughts wandered to the life I left behind. I came here seeking a story, but now I'm living a profound tale surpassing my writing abilities.

“I need to think,” I whispered, my voice barely carrying over the sound of our synchronized breathing. Zunnik’s arms tightened around me for a moment before he reluctantly let go, his eyes searching mine.

"Certainly," he whispered, with a touch of sorrow in his voice that pulled at me.

I slipped out from under the furs and stood, my bare feet cold against the stone floor. I moved toward the mouth of the cave, where dawn painted the sky in hues of pink and gold. The wilderness stretched before me, a testament to untamed beauty and strength. It mirrored what I felt for Zunnik—wild and uncontrolled.

Pulling my journal from my backpack, I flipped through pages filled with notes and sketches. It wasn’t just research anymore; it was personal, a record of transformation. I told loved ones I stayed to create the perfect tale, but looking at the awakening world, I understood it was bigger. Building a life here felt more real than anything in the city.

My phone lay dormant beside my journal, its screen cracked and coated with dust from weeks of neglect. The messages from home would pile up—my editor seeking updates on my progress, friends questioning my extended absence. In this place, with Zunnik and the wilds, worries seemed distant.

I glanced back at Zunnik, who watched me silently from where he lay, his chest rising and falling with a calmness that belied the storm he confessed to harboring within him. Deciding between two worlds that shape my identity.

“Zunnik,” I started, turning to face him fully. “I can’t ignore where I come from any more than you can deny your nature.”

He rose gracefully to his feet and crossed the space between us in a few strides. His hands settled on my shoulders with gentle firmness.
