Page 28 of Mated to the Amarok

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I nodded slowly, understanding the weight of his words. Our daughter was indeed part Amarok and part human—she would need to find her place within both heritages.

“We’ll take her into town when she’s ready,” I assured him. “She will find good people there, equally willing to know and learn from her.”

He looked relieved at my response. “And you? Will you be ready?”

The question lingered between us like a leaf caught on the wind—full of potential for flight or fall.

“I will,” I said firmly. “Because it’s what’s best for Rudie.”

Zunnik stepped closer, wrapping an arm around my shoulders as we gazed out at the forest that had been our refuge—a haven for our love and now for our daughter.

“Then we’ll do it together,” he replied, his voice steady with resolve.

The days continued to ebb and flow like the tides—Rudie blossoming under our care while Zunnik and I navigated the intricacies of parenting a child born of two worlds. Laughter and concern woven into our family's tapestry.

The fire recounting tales from my childhood spent evenings filled with Zunnik’s stories of Amarok lore—our voices weaving together to create a narrative that belonged uniquely to Rudie.

One night, after Rudie finally succumbed to sleep’s gentle embrace, Zunnik turned to me with a contemplative expression. “Claudia,” he began slowly, “have you ever thought about having another child?”

The question surprised me, as the idea briefly crossed my mind but never solidified.

“I...” My words trailed off as I considered his question deeply for the first time. We sat in silence for a while, each lost in our own thoughts, until Rudie’s soft sighs from inside reminded us of the love we already created—a love that might grow even more.
