Page 109 of Vices and Vows

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“So, the tiny dick…”

“Aww, don’t be sad. It’s not the size that matters, it’s how you use it.”

Isaac walks in as I’m about to take a bite of my sandwich and steals it from me, his eyes on Conner’s tiny dick.

“Mine’s green.” He frowns, taking a bite of my sandwich.

“You should get that checked,” Conner says as I sigh and grab more bread.

“You were telling me about my dick?” Conner reminds me, taking a bite of my stolen sandwich.

“What the fuck?” Vice curses before he sees the little dick in Conner’s hand and relaxes, holding up his five-inch one with a smug grin.

“Mine’s bigger.” He eyes my bread, making my eye twitch.

“You want one?”

“God, yes. I’m starving. Where’s Turner?”

“Last time I saw him, he was carrying a tray of drinks.”

“So, what’s the deal with the dicks?” Vice asks, sitting at the island as I make us both a sandwich.

“That’s what I want to know,” Conner says, exasperated.

I chuckle, taking pity on him. “When I was twelve, I killed a man.”

They all look at me and blink.

“The fuck?” Vice spits out.

“And he had a tiny dick?” Conner frowns, confused. I throw a piece of tomato at him and continue.

“I was with Gia at school, and he tried to drag her into his car. He dismissed me as a threat, but I’d been guarding Gia since I was little. It was instinctual. I took my knife and sliced through his jugular. He bled out on the steps of the school before the paramedics arrived.”

“That’s… Wow. That’s a lot, Nova,” Isaac says softly.

“Tell me you had innocent childhoods.” None of them say anything. “That’s what I thought. Anyway, it messed with my head for a bit. I suffered from PTSD, so I took up crocheting to help me focus.

“I got pretty good at it, and I still use it when I’m feeling anxious. A couple of years ago, I made dozens of little hats for the neonatal unit at the hospital. Then I saw this idea on TikTok and ran with it. Plus, dicks are great for hiding shit as a teenager. Alessio didn’t think to look inside them.” My face drops at his name.

“He’s why you’re making these?” Vice asks as I hand him his sandwich.

“Yeah. I should have heard from him by now. He knows I’ll be worried.”

“I’ll put out some feelers and see if anyone’s heard anything.”

“Thank you. I’ve called everyone I could think of, but nobody’s seen him.”

“Your contacts might not be loyal to you anymore,” Conner says.

“They’re solid. I made allegiances despite who I was working for, not because of it. Not everyone is happy with the hand they were dealt. There are more people looking for allies than just the top dogs.”

Isaac looks at me, considering. “That’s a good point. I think we should make use of it over here. One of Giovanni’s main issues was that he kept himself distant from his people. It created a disconnect. They knew to fear him, but there was no loyalty to him because he gave nothing back. Wars are launched by egotistical maniacs, but they are fought by the people.”

“I hoped it wouldn’t come to this.” I sigh.

“War was inevitable with a narcissistic tyrant like Aldo having power. And the truth is, our families have been spoiling for one for years.” Conner shrugs.
