Page 121 of Vices and Vows

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When I come to, I’m lying on the ground with a headache from hell and the taste of blood in my mouth. I bite back a groan, squinting my eyes open to see where I am.

It looks like some kind of warehouse, but it’s not one I’ve been to before. There are small windows lining the top of the space, but they’re way too high for anyone to see in or out of. The floor is cold concrete and empty of everything. It’s too clean, like someone has swept and mopped it recently. The faint smell of bleach confirms my suspicions. But why would they bleach the floor? Unless...

I turn my head, and the room swims out of focusfor a second, the pain stealing my vision. I try to breathe through it, but I can feel the nausea swirling inside me. I spot what I was looking for—a drain in the center of the room. This isn’t a warehouse. It’s a kill room.

My hands are tied in front of me, making it tricky to move. I know I have to get out of here, except when I try to stand up, everything goes black, and I find myself back on the hard, cold ground before passing out again.

When I next come to, I groan. The headache is worse than before. I probably have a concussion. I open my eyes when I feel the button on my jeans open and the material pulled down my legs.

I’m disoriented. Each move threatens to make me throw up again. It isn’t until I feel a body over mine that my brain registers what’s happening. I’m naked, and someone is between my legs. No, not naked. My sweatshirt and bra are still on.

“I told you you’d be mine.” Aldo’s voice snaps everything into focus as I look up to see him wrestling with his belt.

I try to wiggle free, but I’m still weak from the blow to the head. Panic threatens to paralyze me until I remember my knife. It’s hard to get with my hands tied together, but while Aldo’s getting his dick out, he’s distracted. This is the only chance I’ll get.

I pull it out and flip it open as he hovers over me, his bare cock pressing against my pussy.

“You thought you could deny me? I’m the fucking king,” he snarls, ready to thrust inside me, but I move first.

I plunge the knife into his throat and twist. “You might be king, but I’m the motherfucking queen. Checkmate, bitch.”

I pull the knife out and swipe across his throat. Blood sprays usboth, and he rolls off me, gasping and grabbing at his throat as I get to my knees.

This time, I manage to get up without falling. I stagger toward the door, stopping when I hear the click of a gun. I close my eyes and feel myself give up.

Seems the universe has it out for me today.

I turn slowly, not surprised to find Gia pointing a gun at me. “Gia.”

“You bitch. You just couldn’t stand to see me happy, could you? You took him from me,” she screeches, making pain shoot through my already throbbing head.

“He kidnapped me and tried to rape me.”

“You didn’t have to kill him,” she hisses.

“I really did. Gia, what are you doing? You’re free to go anywhere and start over.”

“That’s your problem. You always thought you were too good for this life. Not me. I love it, and you ruined it.”

I grip the bloody knife tightly, waiting for her to come closer. We both jump at the sound of the door opening.

“No, you won’t get away, not this time,” Gia screams, and before I can do anything, she aims the gun at my head and shoots.

Chapter 38


Itap my foot as I wait for the speeches to start and resist the urge to check the cameras, knowing I’ll turn around and go home. People approach me and try to make small talk, but I shut them down. I don’t want to be here, not without Nova. I feel like I’m crawling out of my skin.

Fuck it.

I stand up and walk out. Conner and Isaac, who had been watching from the side of the room, follow me.

“What’s wrong?” Conner asks.

“I need to get back to Nova.”

“Why, what’s happened?”
