Page 41 of Vices and Vows

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It makes the predator inside me sit up and stretch, finding intrigue and promise in our prey for a change. I walk forward, my eyes locked on hers as her pulse flutters wildly at her neck like a trapped butterfly. I cup her jaw, my thumb pressing against her lips before I trail my fingers down her neck. Leaning in, I lick a path from the hollow of her throat to the shell of her left ear.

“Tell me, Nova, are you going to be a good wife?”

I nip her ear before pulling back far enough to look into her eyes once more.

“The truth?”

“Always. You won’t always like what you hear, but I’ll never lie to you.”

“An honest monster? Interesting.”

I wrap my hand around her throat, my nose skimming hers. “I wasn’t born a monster, wife. I am what the family needed me to be. Most of my humanity might have been wiped away, but I have my own code, my own sense of morality.”

“So, you expect honesty but haven’t told me what the price of a lie is. Tell me, Vice, what punishment do you give to those who deceive you?”

I smile at her, and when she shivers, I know it’s every bit as sinister as the words that follow. “I cut out their tongue so they can’t lie anymore. You’d do well to remember that, wife. I have lots of plans for that tongue of yours.”

She shakes her head but doesn’t seem surprised by my answer.

The sound of someone approaching has Nova tensing, but she doesn’t turn around, trusting that I’ll handle it. One of my newerperimeter guards walks into view, his eyes drifting down to Nova’s ass before he looks at me and finds my gaze on him.

He jolts and swallows nervously. “There is a call for you, sir.”

I pull my cell phone from my pocket, and sure enough, there are half a dozen missed calls from a dozen people, including my father.

“It’s Tim, right?”

“Yes, sir,” he says, puffing out his chest as if my remembering his name makes him more than the cocksucker he is.

“You’re on duty tonight?”

“Until midnight, yes.”

“Good. I’ll call you if I need you.”

I turn to walk toward the window and watch in the reflection as Tim checks out Nova’s ass again before adjusting himself and leaving.

“I need to deal with this,” I tell Nova as I scroll down to the number I want.

“I understand. Do you want me to leave?”

I turn and face her as I hit call. “No. I want you to strip.”

She blinks, my words shocking her. Her mouth parts as my call connects.

“Hold on a second, Isaac.” I mute the call. “Take it all off. Show me what’s mine.”

She narrows her eyes, and I wait for her to flip me off, but she never does what I think she will. Instead, she blanks her expression and reaches for the hem of her T-shirt. She drags the material up and over her body, revealing full tits made for sucking, covered only by the white lace of her bra.

I unmute Isaac as I watch Nova bend down to remove her socks.

“Tell me what happened.”

“Felix’s brother Ralph happened. He wants retribution for Felix’s death. He hit four of our warehouses and torched one of our strip clubs. Luckily, it wasn’t open, so only the manager and skeleton crew were injured. Nothing major, though. It’s a warning that things will get worse.”

“And what exactly does he want? Retribution comes in many forms. Does he want money or blood?”

Nova slides her jeans down over her ass and slips them down her legs until they pool at her ankles. She steps out of the denim to stand in front of me in just her white lace bra and matching panties.
