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“Ian? What are you doing?” she asked.

“Ian! Set her down!” Jameson demanded.

Had he been in the room?

Ian carried her into another room which was empty, and set her down on the bed.

“Ian! What the hell are you doing?” Jameson barreled into the room after them. “You can’t just pick Maggie up and cart her around like that.”

Rather than replying, Ian started running his hands over her. “Did they touch you? Are you all right? Why the fuck did you leave without your phone?”

“Jack wouldn’t let me take it.”

“Way to throw me under the bus, baby girl.” She glanced over at Jack, who was leaning against the wall of the room, his arms over his chest as he grinned at her. “I’d do the same. Don’t worry.”

Okay, so intense, touch-her-and-die Jack was gone, replaced by easygoing Jack.

Cool. Cool. She could deal.

No, she really wasn’t worried that he had a split-personality. That hadn’t even entered her head.

But she might suggest to Ian that he look into therapy for Jack as well as himself. And perhaps she’d take her own advice.

“From now on, you carry it on you at all times. And you . . .” He shot a glare at Jack. “You don’t send a message like that and then not answer your phone.”

Ahh. That’s who’d been calling Jack on their ride home. Wow. He’d called a lot.

“I told you she was fine,” Jack replied.

“I needed to see for myself. Are you sure you’re fine? If those assholes hurt you . . . ”

“They didn’t. I promise.”

He still didn’t look convinced. “Jameson, you need to examine her.”

“Ian, you’re overreacting,” Jameson said calmly. “Maggie says she’s fine. Jack said they didn’t touch her. So relax.”

“I didn’t say that,” Jack said.

Both men stared over at Jack.


Strangely, it was Jameson who snapped out the word.

“They touched you? Where?” Ian demanded.

“You all need to calm down,” she said in a low voice. “It’s not that bad. One of them grabbed my wrist. That’s all.”

“It was her sore wrist. He hurt her,” Jack said. “I heard her make a pained noise.”

She scowled at Jack. “Are you trying to make Ian’s head explode?”

He shrugged. Grr. He was so infuriating.

Ian drew up the sleeve of her long-sleeved T-shirt, revealing the fading bruise.

Jameson sucked in a breath. “What is this? How did you get that bruise?” He pushed Ian out of the way so he could take hold of her hand.
