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“What, baby?”

“Oh, I, um . . . I was thinking about why I felt so panicked when I tried to skate before. It was months after the accident because of the recovery before I even considered going back into the rink. I just went in to watch for a bit and I panicked. Why did I panic if I wasn’t even going to skate?”

She took in a breath. “I think it might have more to do with everyone else than me. My ex-skating partner was there with his new partner and I felt this rush of rage. I know it’s not nice of me, but I was so angry he got to carry on his life . . . got to skate and compete. How awful does that make me?”

“Makes you human, baby girl. Besides, screw him. What a dick. You want me to track him down and mess him up a bit for you? Maybe break his hip?”

“No.” She giggled. Then she noticed that he wasn’t smiling.

Dear. Lord.

“No. I just . . . I think my fear of getting back on the ice was due more to everyone watching me. Feeling like I was being judged. And . . . and it was to do with my family. A lot of it was about letting them down, disappointing them. I just think all the expectations and the feelings of being a failure got to me. And it ruined the good feelings I had about skating.”

“That makes sense, but fuck them for taking something you love from you. Are you ready to take it back?”

“I want to try.”

He nodded. “Wait here, baby. Do not move.”

He walked over to a locker and opened it, pulling out two pairs of ice skates. But they didn’t look like the ones you hired. One pair was black with a red stripe. And the other pair were smaller, with black and white stripes. And those ones looked brand new.

“You bought those for me, didn’t you, Daddy?” she asked as he kneeled before her to put them on.

“Of course I did.”

“You spoil me.”


Soon, they were standing on the ice with their hats and gloves on. She took a deep breath, letting it out slowly. Could she do this?

“What if I’ve forgotten how?”

“Impossible,” he murmured and slid in front of her.

Maggie’s eyes widened. “You can ice-skate, Daddy?”

“I can do lots of things, baby girl. Now, just keep your eyes on me.”

He took her hands in his and started to move backward, pulling her forward.

She was doing it. She was skating. Maggie kept her eyes on Jack until they started to fill with tears and he stopped. He cupped her face. “What’s this? What’s wrong? Is it your hip?”

“No. I’m just . . . it feels like all this time something has been missing inside me. And now . . . now I’ve found it. Thanks to you, Daddy. You always know just what I need. You’re pretty special, Jack Ashby. And you’re really good at this.”

“Skating? I know.”

“That too. But I was going to say that you’re really good at taking care of me.”

They glided around the ice until she started to get tired. Even then, she wanted to keep going but Jack made her stop. She felt a little grumpy about that. After he put the skates back and put their boots back on, he took her hand and led her into a nearby supply closet.

“Daddy, I’m sorry I was a bit grouchy,” she added hastily in case he was thinking of spanking her again.

But he just crowded her against the wall and kissed her. When he drew back, she was breathless.

“What . . . what are you doing?” she whispered as he drew off her hat and gloves, then his own, putting them in his backpack.

“I’m going to give you a treat for being such a good girl.”

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