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“What?” Jack reached out to stop him. “A bruise? From what?”

“She said that her uncle grabbed her to steady himself.”

“And you don’t believe her? Do you think this is another situation like Chloe was in?”

Chloe’s employer, who turned out to also be her father, had been abusive.

“I don’t know. She doesn’t seem at all afraid of him. And she’s not that good at hiding her thoughts and emotions.”

“So it could just be like she said. Maybe you need to ease up a bit, man. You’ll worry yourself bald if you keep going like this.”

Maybe Jack was right.

There was no reason to worry about her. She seemed happy. If anything, she was a bit too carefree about everything.

It was likely that she led a charmed life. She’d probably never known the hardship of having to choose between eating or paying rent.

Grumbling to himself, he settled in to spend the next few hours bored to death.

Three hours later,Maggie was dead on her feet.

But when she caught sight of Uncle Willy’s tired face as he started packing up, she knew she couldn’t relax just yet.

“Let me get that, Uncle Willy.” She reached for the bags he was holding.

“What are you doing? Give me that.” Ian grabbed the bags off her. “The two of you need to go sit in the car while we get this. Jack has gone to turn on the air-con.”

“I can help carry the bags,” she told him. Who did he think lugged all this around when he wasn’t there?


She huffed out a sigh. Fine, he could carry everything. Who was she to stop him?

“All of this tension between you can only mean one thing,” Uncle Willy said to her as Ian walked behind them.

“Uncle,” she said warningly. She had a feeling that she knew where he might be going with this and had to head him off.

“There’s no smoke without fire, my dear.” Her uncle smiled at her. “And there’s so much fire with you two that it could send us all on flames.”

She groaned. Yep, that’s where she’d thought he was going.

“What?” Ian asked. “What fire?”

Uncle Willy sighed, turning around to glance at Ian. “Not much of a romantic, are you, lad?”

“Lad? Romantic? I’m not following.”

“Listen. I’ll make it easy for you. Take her on a date. Okay?”

Um, what the bloody heck! What did Uncle Willy think he was doing?

“Uncle Willy!” she protested.

“What?” he asked, looking genuinely confused. Although sometimes it was hard to tell with him. It could all be an act.

Sneaky old bugger.

“You can’t arrange dates for me,” she told him sternly.

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