Page 42 of The Pretender

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And, to my horror, I’m right.

Alex jerks his head towards the empty house. “We can get in through a broken window in the back. Then we can have a party.”

“What the hell are you talking about?”

His smile drops to a glare. “I told you once that I’d get you someday. That day is today.”

“Fuck you. I’m not going anywhere with you.”

Damian produces a knife. “You have a choice, Miss Camden. You can come hang out with us for a little while and have some fun. Or you can go home and explain how little brother over here lost an ear.”

“Or an eye,” Alex chimes in with a shrug. “We’ll see.”

Frankie makes one last attempt to wriggle free. Alex yanks on his arm and Frankie issues a moan of agony that breaks my heart.

I won’t cry. I won’t cry.

I’ll act like I’m cooperating. I’ll go with them to the abandoned Harcourt house and somehow I’ll figure out a way to escape.

Even as I think this I know it’s untrue. Once the McGill brothers get me inside that empty house I won’t be going anywhere until they let me.

Mustering all the strength that I don’t really have I fight to keep my voice even. “Don’t hurt him and I’ll go with you.”

Alex smiles.

Damian smiles.

Frankie cries.

And Ben makes a promise. “You are both fucking DEAD.”

At first I don’t even know how to register the fact that Ben is here. It’s as if he dropped out of the sky like some kind of galactic superhero.

Damian slices wildly with the switchblade but Ben sidesteps him with ease and delivers a savage martial arts kick to the vulnerable back of Damian’s knee. Damian crumples like paper and falls to the ground. But because he’s still holding the knife and because Ben is no fool, Ben stomps on Damian’s hand with the heel of his boot. I don’t know if the crack I hear is the sound of bones breaking but I hope that it is.

Ben kicks the knife away and turns his attention to Alex, who’s still got Frankie down on the ground.

“I warned you.” Ben’s voice is low, menacing, every bit the voice of a man who means what he says and intends to carry out his threats. “I fucking warned you to stay away from her.”

And Alex McGill actually looks afraid for once. It’s a nice thing to see.

Damian tries to sit up. “My hand is broke!”

Alex complains. “We were just messing around.”

Ben takes a step closer. “Let the kid up.”

Alex takes too long to obey. Ben dishes out another brutal kick and catches Alex in the chin. Alex falls to his back and flails. I want to clap my hands in delight. But instead I rush to Frankie.

“Are you hurt? How bad?”

His jaw is swollen and he struggles to get to his feet with a groan. “Why didn’t you run, Cam? You should have run.”

I try to help him up but he’s heavy. “Because I would never leave my brother behind.”

“You motherfuckers.” Ben’s not finished with the McGills. “You think you can just do whatever the fuck you want to anyone you want!”

Alex scoots backwards and holds up a hand in surrender. “Fuck, chill out, Beltran.”
