Page 101 of Lord of Vengeance

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“And the boys are meeting us here for our festive event?” Dante teased as I pulled the car to the curb over a block away from the man’s house.

“If you mean Constantine and Maxim, they are. They were eager to be in on the moment. Our alliance has proven to be more helpful than I wanted to believe.” Festive event. I had to laugh. Maybe my brother was right. But we wouldn’t be celebrating until we’d cleaned up Alaska. That was certain.

“Yes, I think now is a good opportunity to continue tracking down members of the Death Squad. We’re becoming more like hired assassins.” Dante laughed but he was right. Every business morphed and grew, at least those you wanted to remain successful.

I cut the engine, noticing almost immediately the two leaders from the Brotherhood were already exiting their rental vehicle. They’d flown in specifically for this. Gabriel and Phoenix had offered to help in Alaska. The way I figured it, the more the merrier. They had as much to lose as we did if the Death Squad continued their advancement.

We piled out and I buttoned my jacket after feeling for my weapon. I’d already changed the magazine, ensuring there was a full round of ammunition. I wasn’t necessarily planning on violence or bloodshed, but I had to prepare for the possibility just in case. One never knew how politicians would act when pushed into a corner.

I grinned as the bright sun and scent of blooming flowers assaulted my senses. It was a lovely day to plan an execution.

I nodded to Jacob from his perch on the other side of the street. He would wait to ensure we didn’t run into any trouble, running interference with any unwanted visitors if necessary.

The two men advanced, none of us finding the need for handshakes. Constantine lifted his dark shades, a grin crossing his face. “You look smug,” he said in jest.

“It’s hard not to be. The man doesn’t know what he’s in for.” I pulled out the envelope, allowing both men to see the damning pictures.

“Whew,” Maxim growled. “Kakaya svin’ya.”

“Yes, he is a pig. Isn’t he?” I asked.

“I’m always impressed with your understanding of various languages,” Constantine said in passing.

“It helps my lieutenant is as brooding as this man.” While the three of us laughed, Maxim offered a snarl instead.

“Let’s get this over with. My brother has a proposal later tonight,” Dante teased.

“Wait a minute. Is our confirmed bachelor finally getting hitched?” Constantine pressed his hand against his chest as if having a heart attack.

“Yep. He is,” Dante quipped.

“You’re an asshole,” I told him but now all four of us could laugh.

“You better invite us to the fucking wedding,” the brooding Russian snapped.

I glanced at Maxim, unable to keep from grinning. The man had finally become more emotional since meeting the love of his life. We walked up the sidewalk, now remaining silent. After pressing the doorbell, I rolled my palms down my suit jacket. I needed to look impeccable for this round of destruction.

As soon as the door was opened, I could see the fear in Michael’s eyes. Before he had a chance to slam the thick wooden piece in our faces, Maxim slammed his hand against it, shoving his foot in the doorway.

“Tsk. Tsk. Senator. I’m hurt that you don’t want to speak with me. After all we’ve been through,” I told him.

“What the fuck do you want, Santos?” Michael snapped, but the man was rightfully nervous as hell. Good. I wanted him on the very edge.

“Let’s go inside. I’m certain you don’t want to risk any of your neighbors overhearing what I’m about to say.”

He knew better than to try to keep us out, shaking his head as he opened the door wider, leading us into his expansive living room. “This had better not take long. I have a luncheon to go to.”

“Oh, I assure you that it won’t take long at all.”

Constantine closed the door behind us and almost immediately Dante moved around the senator to ensure we were alone.

Michael remained nervous, glancing from one to the other. “As I asked before. What do you want?”

“First, allow me to introduce my esteemed colleagues. I believe you know my brother Dante. This is Constantine Thorn from Kansas City and Maxim Nikitin who runs the powerful and highly esteemed Florida and New Orleans chapter of what we like to call a happy alliance. A Brotherhood. Of course, you understand what that is given your involvement with the infamous and soon to be exposed Death Squad.”

“Catchy name,” Constantine added.

The senator was even more nervous now, beads of sweat running down both sides of his face. He only had to wait for the other shoe to drop.
