Page 18 of Lord of Vengeance

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“You heard me, buddy. Now, I suggest you skedaddle out of here before I do something I won’t regret.”

I tugged her closer, shaking my head. This was the moment, the longing too intense and I might be dropping off a cliff, but I simply didn’t give a shit. I fisted her hair, dragging her onto her toes and before she had a chance to object, I crushed my mouth over hers.

The sounds others in the bar made fueled the fire but it was the sweet taste of her lips and mouth that swept the embers into flames. I’d kissed enough women in my life, but this was like doing so for the very first time. I thrust my tongue past her soft lips, tasting every inch of her mouth, dominating her tongue as she pressed her palm against my chest. Even the way she was struggling in my hold was amazing, the rush of adrenaline fueling the power deep within me even more.

I sensed her girlfriends were holding their breaths, unable to react in any way. That made the moment that much sweeter.

As she undulated against me, I slipped my other arm down her back, cupping and squeezing her buttocks. The moment I pressed the full weight of my body against hers, she issued a moan that I captured with my mouth. Everything around us became a foggy blur, which had also never happened to me before. The intensity only continued to increase, the need to devour her the most delicious feeling I’d had in a long time.

Yet for the incredible reaction she’d had in the beginning, enjoying the deep-throated kiss as much as I was, I sensed she was shutting down on purpose. As if the woman could avoid the chemistry between us, the powerful connection that threw me as much as anything.

When I finally broke the intimate moment, still keeping her close, she dragged her tongue across her bottom lip very slowly. There was no doubt by the hazy look in her eyes how much she’d enjoyed the moment.

I allowed her to push away, my intentions made clear. She was coming with me whether she objected or not.

When I took a step back, holding out my hand for her to accept, she gave me a heated look, nodding three times in acquiescence of my superiority.

I should have known better, the lioness rearing up from the depths of our passion. When she cracked her hand across my face, the force and surprise were enough I was forced to turn my head from the brunt of the impact. But when she issued a powerful punch under my jaw, I was pitched backward, crashing into a table full of men. Now that was shocking.

“Watch out, buddy,” one of them said gruffly while two others helped me regain my footing.

When I finally managed to focus, she stood several feet away, both hands now planted on her hips, her look of satisfaction driving a stake through my heart.

Then the woman had the audacity to blow me a kiss, turning slightly and tossing her hair over her shoulder. The girl thought she was dismissing me. I watched her intently as she said something to the table full of women before moving past them, her strides full of confidence.

When she disappeared down the hallway, the neon sign indicating the restrooms, I laughed softly to myself.

I had to admit the kiss was… amazing, more so than any I’d experienced in one hell of a long time. But her adversarial attitude just wouldn’t fly with me. Call it a return to what my father had taught me, but even her beauty couldn’t get her out of harsh punishment, which was exactly what she needed. Perhaps then she’d understand she’d met her match. And that she’d made a mistake fucking with me. Now I was going to fuck her in retaliation, providing her with exactly what she needed.

This was an unexpected intrusion into what I’d arrived in town to do, but I was due for a moment of enjoyment.

As I passed by the table of women, I winked. “Don’t wait for us. I have plans for your friend. All. Night. Long. I do hope you understand we’re not to be bothered for the next few minutes. Can you ensure that happens for me, ladies?” While I didn’t care whether they accepted my demands one way or the other, I locked eyes with each one, solidifying my place of dominance. Only one acted as if she was going to object, opening her mouth to do so. I held up a single finger, directing all my attention toward her.

“Didn’t you just tell your friend a few moments ago she needed to let go, enjoying an evening just for herself?” I was spot on about what I’d believed, nodding after asking the question as soon as it was apparent that she had no intention of answering me.

However, when I walked away, I heard one of them whispering harshly under her breath, “How did he know?”

I was finished playing games with the woman. She would learn that insulting and assaulting a man like me had consequences. I didn’t care I was in a state far removed from where I lived or that I was here for an entirely different reason. At this moment, I was blinded by the kind of lust that couldn’t go unsatisfied. That usually resulted in my need for violence to surface.

However, there was something powerful about the cat and mouse game, enough so I would go easy on the woman. As long as she surrendered without incident. The thought brought me a smile. I slammed my hand onto the door of the bathroom, scanning the room quickly to determining there was no one else inside.

Except for the stunning beauty who snapped her head in my direction immediately.

“What the fuck are you doing in here?” she demanded.

I wagged my finger at her as I moved closer. “Tsk. Tsk. A woman of your intelligence and beauty doesn’t need to resort to crude language.”

She laughed as she turned toward me, her look remaining caustic. “Fortunately, you don’t get to tell me what to do. No one does.”

“Hmmm… That’s where you’re wrong.” I rubbed my jaw, still keeping a slight distance as I determined what I wanted to do. Taking her back to my room had its share of concerns, especially since I’d brought enough firepower with me to start a war. However, I wasn’t going to fuck her inside a seedy bathroom.

And there was no doubt in my mind that by the end of the hour, the woman would surrender to me.

Body and soul.

Her heart I couldn’t care less about. I was only in the state for a couple of days, determined to track down the person or organization responsible for the riddle. Another game. Why was it everyone seemed to be using those methods of handling business, including ones of passion? What happened to being straightforward in actions and words? Well, I’d give her a pass on her words. She hadn’t minced them in the least.

“I’m never wrong,” she countered, her breathing uneven as I dared inch a little closer. Now her back was against the tile wall.
