Page 23 of Lord of Vengeance

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“Trust me, sweetheart. You have no idea what I can and will do to you.”

He captured my mouth briefly as he’d done before but this time he wasn’t as demanding and forceful, allowing the passion we shared to shine.

I was truly losing my mind. This was no love affair. This was something much darker. Whoever he was, I had a feeling he had total control over his environment, maybe even his entire family. Why did that intrigue me?

When he backed away, he grabbed my hand, the neon light of the bar highlighting the carnal expression he wore seconds before pulling me into the dimly lit parking lot. He pulled out a key fob of a gorgeous Mercedes SUV, the lights flashing a reminder that what I was doing had danger written all over it. Yet his firm grip was another indication I was going nowhere.

As with everything else he’d done, he was in full control, yanking open the passenger side door, one hand firmly planted on the door as I climbed in. As if I’d dare try to escape.

He’d certainly know it if I tried.

He wasted no time heading to the driver’s door, yet I noticed he was scanning the perimeter of the parking lot as if anticipating he’d be stopped. Or as if he was looking for someone. I glanced out the windshield, shuddering all over again. This had to be the most reckless thing I’d ever done.

As with everything else he’d done in the thirty minutes I’d known him, he wasted no time, starting the engine and roaring out of the parking lot. There was something exciting about the silence as well as the way his breathing became heavier as he drove. Still, the way he continuously glanced into the rearview mirror was telling.

“Who are you?” I finally asked.

“A man on a mission. Isn’t that obvious?”

“What’s your name? I need to know more about you.”

“My name is Diego. I think that’s all you need to know.”

I repeated the name silently. It was very romantic and dark, just like the man. Even his slight Spanish accent was more pronounced, which added to the allure.

“And you, sweet flower?”


“A legendary princess. That suits you.”

I could feel the weight of his heated stare and blushed, which was something else I rarely did. “What?”

“The meaning of your name.”

“Oh. I had no idea.” Why was it that I was more nervous than I’d been before? Perhaps because I no longer had my protective posse surrounding me. “Last name and what do you do for a living? Are you visiting or moving here?” The questions came easily, both my nerves and my cop’s instinct getting the better of me.

He grinned as he slowly turned his head, the darkness unable to hide the amused look on his face. “Why don’t you ask me what you really want to know? Am I dangerous?”

The fact the man had read my mind shouldn’t bother me, but as with his electric allure, I was already caught in a dark abyss of him. “Are you?”

He leaned over, the heat more explosive than before. “Very. Many of those who know me would consider me an evil man. Now, tell me, sweet Sabrina. Are you afraid of me?”

“Should I be?”

“Only if you’re my enemy.”

“Do you have many of those?”

“More than you know. Somehow, I don’t think you scare that easily. And as far as last names and job descriptions, I think you understand what we’d about to share is filthy and primal. Names would only complicate our passion. Do you agree?”

I took a deep breath, holding it as I thought he’d make the turn into the parking lot of perhaps the best hotel in town. “Agreed.”

“Good girl. Now, it’s time to take this delicious game we’ve been playing to a different level.”

He had no idea that I was really a very bad girl, especially since I was headed to an unknown destination with a stranger.

Instead, he continued down the busy street, which had me curious as to whether he’d rented a house or was more into the rustic accommodations most of the other motels and rental cabins offered. “Where are we going?”
