Page 4 of Lord of Vengeance

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There were few choices, none that enticed me other than ending their lives. I’d been taught a long time ago that attacking a problem in the world I’d grown up in included violence. There was no other decision to make.

With the Glock firmly planted in both hands, I rushed the three of them, firing shot after shot from the semi-automatic, spraying the entire vacant space with gunfire. I didn’t stop until the clip was emptied. Only then did I take a deep breath, slowly shifting my gaze from one fallen enemy soldier to another.

As I walked toward their bullet-riddled bodies, blood already staining the concrete, I finally took a deep and satisfied breath.

And for the first time, I felt giddy.

After crouching down, ensuring the fuckers were dead, I stood with my shoulders squared. Now I understood what power I wielded, but it was only the beginning. I would become the most dangerous, brutal man in Los Angeles and beyond. One day all of this would belong to me.

I took methodical strides toward the door, eager to return to the soldiers, stopping long enough to glance over my shoulder toward where the girl remained hidden and silent.

“You’re safe now. No one is going to hurt you. Just wait until the streets are cleared before you head home. Don’t let anyone see you. Can you promise me that?”


“Good girl.”


The word wasn’t in my vocabulary and never would be.

“Why did you save me?” she asked for a second time.

It was an answer I wasn’t prepared to give, but she deserved to know. “Because you don’t deserve the bad hand you were dealt. Do something good with your life. Get out of here as soon as you can but be very cautious.”

I waited until she nodded. “Thank you.”

“Be careful, little one. Some consider me a true savage, but I’m nothing in comparison to the men who bled out on this floor. Never tell anyone I was here, or they’ll consider you my weakness. And they will hurt you terribly.”


I could only hope she heeded my advice. As I stared down at the dead men with the vacant eyes, I wanted to laugh. I certainly wasn’t a kid any longer.

“Buen viaje a los muertos,” I muttered.

Good riddance to the dead.


Present time…

Sitka, Alaska

Sabrina Rose

You’re my hero.

Swimming up from the depths of deep REM sleep, I struggled to grab the ringing phone I always kept on my nightstand, trying to focus on the screen. An icy grip wrapped around my throat seeing the identity of the caller. In my line of work, calls in the middle of the night indicated something terrible had occurred.

“There better be somebody dead in a pool of blood and entrails, Damon, or you’re fired.” I glanced at the clock on my nightstand, blurry eyes from lack of sleep. It hadn’t helped that I hadn’t crawled under the covers until after one in the morning. At barely three a.m., I was beyond cranky.

“That pretty much describes what we’re dealing with.” Deputy Woods wasn’t the kind of man who joked about a murder.

“What?” I jerked all the way up, fumbling to reach the light. “Who? Where?”

“Another fentanyl incident, only this time it’s not just an overdose. The murder is pretty gruesome. It looks like someone had a score to settle. Found a small baggie of the substance as well.”

“A dealer?” There’d been five overdoses in the last month and a half, the highly lethal substance something I never would have anticipated making headway into Alaska, let alone Sitka. With a population of less than nine thousand people, the quaint borough near Juneau was known for its friendly people and a stunning coastline. With the city only accessible by air or sea, transport of the illegal drug should have proven to be difficult.
