Page 33 of Heartless Monster

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“Actually,” Brogan says, “I’m gonna go chat with a couple girls on the cheer team.” Her eyes move to mine. “You good?”

I nod. “Yeah, I’m fine.”

We made a deal to stay together, but I actually feel pretty at ease here, especially knowing it’s Brady’s house and not some stranger’s.

“I’ll meet you both back there,” Julia tells us before heading toward the house.

“Looks like it’s just me and you,” Brady says, locking his arm around mine. “This way.” He gestures toward the side of the house and we’re met with a cobblestone path.

We get out back and I’m surprised to see there are even more people back here than out front. Through the crowd, I see a contained fire on a brick patio. Orange flames dance around and smoke billows toward the sky. I discreetly discard my drink and watch as a guy jumps through the fire and I hold my breath, certain he’s going to fall in. But when he lands on the other side, laughing his ass off, I exhale a sigh of relief.

There’s a huge underground pool and a few girls sit on the ledge with their feet in the water. Beside it is a hot tub that’s packed. I’m not sure another body could squeeze in if they tried.

“This is crazy,” I tell Brady, my face showing my surprise. “I’ve never been to a party like this.”

“What can I say? We know how to party in Willow Creek.” He grins, clearly proud of what he’s accomplished here. I watch him for a second, surveying the crowd, and I find that I really do like Brady. Not to date, but he just makes me feel comfortable in every sense of the word. As if we were once good friends in another life.

Then I see him.

The one person I really didn’t want to see tonight, but knew I would. Standing on the other side of the fire is Rome, making out with Abby. His hands are resting on her ass that’s barely covered in her bright pink dress. I wanna throw up right here and now. It was only hours ago he was tasting my arousal on the tongue that’s inside her mouth.

Before I’m able to look away, his eyes land on mine, peering over her shoulder. There’s a sudden shift in his demeanor. His eyes widen, and he takes a step back. I watch as he whispers something in her ear then dismisses her with a pat on her ass.

“Great,” I mumble under my breath as he approaches us. I notice Brady stiffening, and it makes me question what secrets Rome was talking about earlier.

I watch behind him as Abby scowls in my direction, or maybe she’s scowling at me. Either way, she is pissed.

Rome is putting a target on my back right now and he doesn’t even realize it.

“Damn, Freckles.” Rome’s eyes skim up and down my body as he steps directly in front of me. “You clean up nice.”

I shiver under his gaze, pretending like I didn’t hear anything he said.

“Newton,” Rome chirps as he claps a hand on Brady’s shoulder. “Why don’t you be a good host and go fetch me a beer?”

My jaw drops open. “Seriously, Rome? What the hell is the matter with you?”

A mischievous glint sparks in Rome’s eyes as he narrows them at Brady, challenging him to object.

“It’s all good, Elodie,” Brady says, as if there is nothing wrong with Rome making him fetch a beer.

I exhale heavily, annoyed as hell with the way Rome treats Brady. But I’m even more annoyed that Brady allows it.

Once Brady is out of hearing range, I shove Rome. “You’re a real asshole, you know that?”

“Hey, at least I don’t deny it. What you see is what you get. Unlike some people I know.”

I huff airily. “I’m out of here.” I sidestep him, making my way onto the patio by the fire. Out of nowhere, my foot lands on a slimy banana peel and I go sideways. My arms fly out, ready to soften the impact when I hit the ground. But before I do, I’m grabbed by the waist by someone behind me, saving me from the humiliation of a public fall.

Once I’m steadied on my feet, I spin around and see that it’s Rome who caught me, his hands still on my waist. “You’re welcome,” he says with a cocksure expression on his face.

I step out of his hold, opting to use a few words from his vocabulary. “I didn’t ask for your help.” I echo the words he used when I saved him from burning down the house.

I am grateful, don’t get me wrong. But I won’t let Rome know that. This guy’s ego is already too big for his head. A simple thank you might make it explode.

He nods slowly. “Oh, I see how it is. Someone saves you and suddenly they're the fool?”

“Nope,” I say confidently. “The only fool is you. You made me come to this party thinking I’d have a terrible time, and aside from my almost-fall, I’m actually enjoying myself.”
