Page 69 of Heartless Monster

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Me: Home in bed. I got my period. Forgive me. I forgot I needed your permission to fucking bleed!

His response is instant, making me think he had his phone out to watch it as he waited for my reply.

Evil Stepbrother: Drop the sarcasm and don’t lie to me. Are you with him?

What the hell is he talking about?

Me: With who?

Evil Stepbrother: Gage. I swear to God, Freckles. If you’re with that asshole, you’ll both live to regret it. He didn’t show up today either.

Interesting. In that case, maybe I’ll have a little fun of my own.

You wanna fuck with me, Rome Cromwell, I’ll fuck with you right back.

Me: Maybe I’m with him right now. What do you plan to do about it?

When he doesn’t respond, I drop my phone back down and take a deep breath, relishing the fact that I’ve got ammo with Rome’s jealousy.

Mustering up some courage, I get out of bed and walk over to my window that overlooks the front lawn, including the driveway and my car that’s parked in it.

How did we miss someone coming into our yard and breaking into my car? Granted, it probably wasn’t locked because I never lock my doors, but still. We have cameras all over out there. I suppose it’s possible the ones aimed at the driveway are not pointed in the direction of my car. It just seems like there would be some kind of alert to trespassers.

I sigh, working up the courage I need right now. What’s done is done and I can’t dwell on the how; I can only try and figure out the why and who.

After staring for a couple minutes, I change into some old sweatpants and a grungy hoodie that Lake got paint stains all over, then I begin my search for a pair of rubber gloves so I can pull that damn pipe out of my seat.

I find a pair in the laundry room inside a mop bucket that the cleaning lady left behind, as well as an industrial dust mask. I already know if I smell even the slightest bit of fresh blood, there’s a good possibility I’ll either pass out or throw up.

With my gear on, I head outside, but I stop halfway to my car when I see Rome pull into the driveway, coming toward me at warp speed. I jump back out of fear, just before he comes to a sudden stop.

He leaps out of the car, the engine still running and his door left open. Rome shouts as he walks steadfastly toward me with a heavy scowl on his face. “Where the hell is he?”

Stopping, he assesses me, his eyes dragging up and down my body, landing on the mask over my nose and mouth. “What the fuck are you wearing?”

I pull the mask down until it’s resting under my chin. “Why aren’t you at school?”

“I left. Now tell me where he is so I can beat his ass.” He jabs a finger into my chest. “Then I’ll take care of you.”

When my mind catches up to what’s happening, I have to hold back a laugh. I guess I went a little too far trying to get a reaction. I had no idea he’d actually leave school and come home. It’s obvious Rome doesn’t only get jealous, he gets possessive.

My eyebrows pinch together tightly and I throw up my hands that are covered with large yellow gloves that run all the way to my elbows. “Calm the fuck down,” I hiss. “Gage isn’t here.”

He steps into me, challenging me. “You’re lying.”

“For Christ’s sake, Rome.” I shove at his chest with my gloves and he looks equal parts confused and furious. I’m not sure which I prefer. “Why in the world would Gage be here? He hasn’t even talked to me since you crashed our date at the movies.”

“If I find out you’re lying to me…” Rome bites his fist, raging as his face turns red. “I will murder him with my bare hands then make you bury his body in the backyard.”

“Look around.” I wave my hands through the air. “Do you see his car? Do you see any sign of Gage at all?”

He comes closer to me, leaning in as he draws in a deep breath.

I push him back. “What the hell! Are you sniffing me?”

He lifts one side of his lip in a half smirk that makes me want to take that damn pipe out of my car and hit him over the head with it. “Sex has a very distinct smell, and you’re lucky I don’t smell it on you.”

“Wow,” I drawl, shaking my head because this is absolutely ridiculous. “You have officially lost your mind.” I step past him, ready to show him that I know what he did to my car. “Thanks for the little note you left. Real cute, Rome. Anything to get a rise out of me, huh?”
