Page 97 of Heartless Monster

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I keep going, ignoring the pain but feeling hopeless when the rope doesn’t loosen at all. Winton could come back any minute and force himself on me and there will be nothing I can do to stop him. Pushing the thoughts aside, I don’t give up. I have to at least try.

I pull and tug until I feel blood dripping down my hand and my shoulder starts to feel like it might snap out of the socket.

The sound of voices on the other side of the door hits my ears and I work faster, ignoring the excruciating pain shooting down my arm. With any luck, the rope will snag on a piece of the wood and it will rip the fibers one by one.

When the door opens again, my stomach drops, and I start to hyperventilate again. That is, until I see who enters.

“Brady!” I cry out. “Brady!” I’m a blubbering mess as he hurries to where I’m tied to the chair and pulls it up.

“Jesus, Elodie. What the hell did he do to you?” He grabs my shirt and pulls it together to help cover me.

I’m too shaken up to speak, so I just cry while he pulls out a knife and works tirelessly to free me from this chair.

“You’re safe now,” he assures me. “The cops are on their way.”

“G-Gage and Winton,” I manage to choke out so he knows who is behind this before they manage to get away.

“We know.” He places a calm hand on my arm. “Rome is handling them until the cops get here. Abby will be dealt with too.”

I cry harder knowing Rome is here. He came to my rescue, once again. I don’t know what Abby has to do with any of this, but once my head isn’t spinning, I intend to find out.

As soon as my hands are freed, Brady moves to my ankles while I hold my shirt together and inspect the bleeding cuts around my wrists. Pieces of the rope seem to be clinging to my flesh and I have to hold back from vomiting as I try to get one loose.

The adrenaline starts to fade quickly. I keep still as he cuts through the thick rope, and a minute later, he’s lifting me to my feet. My legs tremble, hardly able to hold me up.

I stumble and I’m not sure if it’s because I’m in shock, or if it’s from whatever Gage used to knock me out. My arms still shoot with pain from all of the jerking and twisting.

Brady steadies me with an arm around my waist as he leads me out the door of, what I can now clearly see, is an old jail cell.

A startled breath leaves me as I see Winton swing at Rome, just as we round the corner. I want to run to him, but Brady holds me back.

Rome dodges the hit easily and Winton stumbles. Gage tries to jump Rome from behind, but I scream to warn him.

Rome turns and pulls a gun out from his waistband, aiming it right at Gage’s chest, and I gasp. Gage immediately holds his hands up in surrender. A choked sob escapes me as Winton and Gage keep their hands in the air and I run to Rome as fast as I can. One of my legs still feels numb and the other is sore from the position it was tied in, but I ignore that as Brady assists me.

“Elodie.” Rome visibly relaxes. “Thank God you’re okay!”

Now that Gage and Winton can’t hurt us, I fall apart the second his arms are around me.

Rome holds me closely, stroking the back of my head. “I didn’t do it, Freckles. I didn't send the video. I swear?—”

“I know.” I cry into his shoulder. “I’m sorry I doubted you.”

“I’m so fucking sorry I didn’t see this coming. I’m sorry I didn’t get to you in time.” He takes a step back, looking me up and down. “Did they hurt you? I swear, Elodie. If they laid a finger on you.” He raises the gun in his hand, but I lower it slowly to his side, even though it hurts like a bitch to move my arms like that.

“They didn’t hurt me,” I assure him, knowing he isn’t talking about the pain from being tied up. “Because you did get to me in time. You saved me. Just like you always do.”

Brady comes up and gently takes the gun from Rome. “I’ve got them. You just take care of Elodie.”

I glance over Rome’s shoulder to see Brady getting tough, and I can’t help the laugh that slips out of me.“Not so big and bad now, are we, boys.”He throws his hands in the air. “Let’s fucking go. Tell me to do your homework one more fucking time. I dare you.”

Rome notices my shirt and pulls it together tightly, making me feel safe again. Then he shakes his head. “Brady’s having too much fun with this.”

I smile, even as the trail of tears continues. “Way too much fun.”

“Let him have his moment.” He cups my cheeks in his hand. “Because I need to do this.”

His lips press to mine. It's soft and comforting and everything I never knew I wanted. I feel protected and adored as the pieces of my heart slowly come back together.
