Page 25 of His Sinner

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I stand and head for the door. If I don’t leave, I’ll tear his head from his body, and I’m not sure Briar would forgive me for that.

If anyone deserves to kill him, it’s her.



“Oh my god! How was the sex?”

I snort. Of course this would be the most important information Mack needs to know first. “Amazing. Best-sex-of-my-life kind of amazing.”

She squeals, scooting closer on the couch. “I knew it! Wow. Okay, and how was everything else? You like being with him? He treats you well?”

“Better than any man ever has,” I admit. In my lap, Cookie purrs. After a can of tuna, she’s finally stopped giving me the cold shoulder for abandoning her with Mack for a month.

“I’m still trying to come to terms with the fact that you didn’t tell me about your secret relationship and that you’ve been having the best sex of your life, and now you know your father killed his mom.”

“Yeah, my life is fucking insane right now. I’m sorry I didn’t tell you sooner. I wasn’t sure what you’d think, and I didn’t want to hear you say you told me so about all that love shit.”

“Love?” she practically screeches. “You love him?”

My heart thuds, realizing too late what I’ve just admitted out loud to my best friend who will never, ever let me live this down. “I mean, I’m not in love with him. I haven’t known him that long.”

“You’ve known him for months. And it sounds like you’ve been spending a lot of time together that you didn’t tell me about. That’s plenty of time to fall in love with someone. Especially if he’s giving you the best orgasms of your life.”

Maybe Mack is right, but I won’t admit that out loud. I can’t.

“Wow. Your father killed his mother.”

I sigh. “Yes. This is the fifth time you’ve said it, and it’s still true.”

Mack shakes her head, dumbstruck. She stares up at the ceiling like that will give her all the answers. “I just can’t wrap my mind around it.”

“How do you think I feel?”

“What did Saint say?”

“That’s the worst part.” I bite my lip. “He stormed out.”

My father killed Saint’s mother. He turned an already traumatized boy into an orphan. Saint’s mother was the only person he had in the entire world, the only one who loved him, and my father took her away.

If I thought what my father did to my mother was unforgivable, what he did to Saint is a thousand times worse. Not to mention my uncle was apparently a child predator. My stomach churns at the thought of their DNA coursing through my veins. I wish I could cut them out of my family tree like tumors.

Saint will never be able to love me after this. The moment he stormed out the door is probably the last I’ll ever see of him. Who could love someone born from a monster like that? I’m the spawn of the man responsible for ruining his life.

“Do you think your dad was right? About Saint coming after you for revenge? Obviously, he’s not now. He totally would’ve killed you by now if that was the case. Or in front of your dad.”

I shake my head. “No, he was never after me for revenge. He’d never hurt me. And he was genuinely shocked when he met my dad and realized who he is.”

I still haven’t wrapped my head around it. I knew my father was a cheating asshole, but I never suspected he’d be capable of murder. Saint was right—anyone is capable of anything. Everything I know about my father barely scratches the surface of who he really is.

“Do you think...” Mack chews on her lip. “Do you think your dad might try to do something to Saint? To keep him away from you?”

I snort. “He’s in his sixties now and he looks like shit. If he tries going after Saint, he has a death wish.” My father had years to get revenge on him for taking his ear. Maybe he decided they were even. At least until he spotted Saint with me. “But he might not have to keep Saint away from me anyway.”

Mack’s brows fold together. “What do you mean?”

“My father killed his mom, Mack. He’s not just going to forgive me for what my family did to him. They ruined his childhood. They took away the only person who ever mattered to him.”
