Page 34 of His Sinner

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He put Mack through hell and back. If anyone deserves to be killed, it’s James.

“Now that we know a murderer, maybe you can ask him to take James out.” I snort at my own joke.

Mack barks a short laugh. “Please. If anyone gets to murder James, it’s me.”

Our movie is nearly over when there’s a hard thud against the front door. I jump, heart leaping to my throat. “What the hell was that?”

“It sounded like a knock,” Mack says slowly. “You want me to answer?”

Jesus. The paranoia has me completely on edge. “No, I’ve got it.”

Through the peephole, the salt and pepper hair, hunched shoulders, and graying eyebrows are so unfamiliar that it takes a second to register the identity of the man waiting on my porch with his hands in his pockets.

My father. Great.

I made it abundantly clear I never wanted to see or speak to him again after he accused Saint of targeting me and ordered him to leave my house. Not to mention I still haven’t forgiven him for the whole cheating-on-my-mom-countless-times thing.

I yank the door open. “What the hell are you doing here? I told you I don’t want to see you.”

His brows are no longer creased in frustration or rage. With his slouched posture and loose skin, he looks every inch the feeble man he’s become since the divorce. “I’m leaving town the day after tomorrow. I’d like to have dinner and catch up before I head back, if you want.”

I don’t have to consider his offer for even a second. “I don’t.”

He stiffens, but he’s not surprised. “Will I be invited to your wedding?”

His words completely baffle me. Saint must’ve confronted him after they left my house. He planted the seed of a possible wedding in my father’s head. Otherwise, there’s no way my father would believe I’d be considering marriage. “Would you even want to attend if I marry him?”

Not that Saint has convinced me to walk down the aisle. He may never convince me. My father ruined the concept of marriage for me, and now he has the audacity to ask for an invitation to my wedding.

Silence falls between us. He can’t bring himself to answer.

I nod. “That’s what I thought. Have a safe flight home.”

Without another word, I shut the door in his face. Somehow, though, when I return to the couch with Mack, the heavy weight on my chest has lifted.

“Was that your father?” Mack asks.

“Yeah. I think I got my closure.” The closure Mack told me I needed. I guess she was right.

My best friend gives me a small smile. “Do you feel better?”

“Surprisingly, yes.”

I can finally put the past behind me and start a new chapter with Saint. Somehow, I’m glad my father showed up. I’m glad Saint and I discovered the truth about the dark, twisted connection we share. That even though my family shattered his world, I get to be the one to help him put the pieces back together.

We’ve closed that chapter of our lives. We get to write the rest of our story together.

Now we just need to figure out who the hell is targeting me.



While Briar finishes her work day, I sit in the library, sending another batch of query letters to the agents listed on the spreadsheet she created.

Immersing myself in the literary world is nearly impossible when my mind is plagued by thoughts of the bastard who thinks he can target my muse. I long to hunt him down and make him suffer ten times the horrors he’s inflicted on her. But I also can’t leave her on campus alone.

If this madman isn’t the groundskeeper or Warren Marshall, then perhaps Briar was right. Perhaps her new stalker is the mysterious blonde in the black BMW.
