Page 38 of His Sinner

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Besides, the last thing Briar needs on her plate right now is wedding planning. First, we need to eliminate the asshole harassing her. Once that’s handled and she finishes out the semester, she can move in with me, and I’ll propose as soon as my next book is published, when all she’ll have on her plate is wedding planning and writing and reading to her heart's content.

The restaurant is upscale, a splurge to celebrate her promotion. I pay with my card before the host leads me to our table, where Briar and Cecilia are already seated. I hand a bouquet to each of them before taking the seat beside my muse.

Cecilia’s face lights up. “Oh, Saint! What a sweet gesture. Thank you!”

“It’s my pleasure.” I plant a kiss on Briar's cheek, and if possible, Cecilia’s smile widens.

Briar barely registers my existence, however. Engrossed in her phone, the bouquet of flowers neglected on the table in front of her.

“Aren’t the flowers so beautiful?” Cecilia prompts.

Briar’s gaze lifts, finally noticing the bouquet. “Oh. Yes, that was very sweet. Thank you.” She offers me a small smile.

The evening continues like this while we order appetizers and entrees, Cecilia asking me about my books and how the new one is coming along while I indulge her, inquiring about her work—retired early—and her hobbies—bridge and book club—and her favorite recipes, each relayed to me in great detail. All the while, Briar remains disengaged from the conversation, eyes glued to her phone. In the rare moments that she turns off her screen, her attention remains elsewhere.

She needs a reminder that when she and I are together, nothing else matters. Nothing else exists.

When her mother finishes recounting a peanut butter brittle recipe, she shifts her attention to her daughter. “Is everything all right, dear?”

Briar continues tuning us out as she has all evening.

“Briar,” Cecilia prompts, more insistent now.

My muse manages to drag her gaze up from her screen, open to a text thread with an unsaved number. The scumbag who’s been harassing her. I clench my jaw, hands curling into fists under the table.

Her new stalker is the one who has ensnared her attention. This should be a celebratory night. Her promotion a new milestone in her life, in our relationship. Instead, she’s fixating on someone else.

I’m sick of allowing this bastard to come between us. And I won’t rest until I hunt them down and bury them six feet under, where they belong.

“Is something wrong, sweetheart?” Cecilia implores. “Is it work?”

Briar huffs, shoving her phone away. “No, Mom, it’s not work.” She pokes at her lasagna with complete disinterest.

“Well, then I’m not sure what’s so important that you need to ignore your mother and boyfriend all evening.”

Briar stiffens, but I’m grateful when she doesn’t correct her mother about the nature of our relationship. “I just have a lot going on, all right?”

Cecilia leans closer, lowering her voice and failing to disguise the hurt. “I just don’t understand what’s gotten into you lately. We’ve always been so close, but you’ve been shutting me out and keeping secrets.”

Briar jumps up from her seat, throwing her napkin onto the table. “I’m going to use the restroom.”

As soon as my muse is out of sight, Cecilia drops her gaze back to her plate. “I am so sorry about that, Saint. I expected this to be a nice evening.”

“Briar has a lot on her plate. I’m sure she’ll be back to her old self once she settles into this new job.”

Cecilia manages a small smile. “Thank you. But I know my daughter. There’s something else going on with her that she’s not telling us. Briar has always been very independent. She refuses to accept help from anyone, and when she’s facing a challenge, she keeps it to herself because she doesn’t want to burden anyone else. Especially me. She knows as her mother that her burdens are my burdens, and ever since her father’s indiscretion, she’s taken up the role of my protector, even though the roles should be reversed.”

I almost laugh. I’m well aware of Briar’s reluctance to accept help or show vulnerability. “As a more permanent fixture in Briar’s life now, I’ll happily protect you both.”

Cecilia squeezes my hand. “I’m very happy my daughter has you.”

“And I’m delighted and humbled every day to have found her.”

Except right now, Briar is pulling away from me too. If she wants to spare her mother her burdens, I won’t stop her. But she should know better than to try to conceal her worries from me. I live to protect her, to keep her safe, and she’s not doing either of us any favors by shutting me out.

“I’ll go check on her. Would you mind ordering dessert? I’ve got my eye on that chocolate peanut butter pie.”

Cecilia happily agrees, and I head for the ladies’ room, knocking and announcing my arrival before pushing the door open.
