Page 41 of His Sinner

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I expected that Saint and I would spend the next weeks or even months tracking her down. Now she’s standing on my front porch, willingly revealing her identity to me.

“I don’t know anything I haven’t told the police,” I lie. “Austin and I met up for tacos that night, we walked back to my house, we kissed, and he left. That’s it. I didn’t even know he used drugs.”

“He didn’t,” April snaps. “He’d been clean for months. Then he spends one night with you, and suddenly he dies of an overdose? Are you trying to tell me that’s some sort of coincidence?”

I clench my teeth at the implication. I’m sure Austin led his sister to believe he was clean, even if that was far from the truth. Regardless, I’m not to blame for his death, and I’m sick of being accused of shit I didn’t do. “Look, I’m sorry for your loss. But I didn’t have anything to do with your brother turning up dead.”

She shakes her head in disgust, ponytail swaying. “I should’ve known you were shady when you brought up his watch. Who gives a shit about a watch when someone is dead?”

“Your brother is the one who was shady. I’m telling you I didn’t do anything or give anything to him.”

“I don’t believe you.”

She can join the club with Officer Smith.

“Believe what you want. But that’s the truth.” I point to her BMW in my driveway. “Now get off my property before I call the cops.”

Her eyes narrow on me like she wants to rip my hair from my scalp or claw out my eyes. I should’ve brought a knife or a pan or something to defend myself with. Hell, I don’t even have my car keys to stab her in the eye if she tries to kill me with her bare hands. She’s slender, but tall and lithe. Probably a runner. Probably a gym rat with visible biceps beneath the sweater.

She’s a crazed stalker who wants me to pay for her brother’s death. She could attack me right now. Kill me.

But she retreats a step.

“Stop stalking me,” I demand, hating the way my voice wobbles.

“I don’t know what you’re talking about.” She squeezes the wooden porch railing so hard, I brace for it to splinter. “But you’re not getting away with this forever, Briar. I don’t care how long it takes—I’ll get justice for my brother.”

I wait until her black BMW disappears down the road before calling Saint. We finally have the answer we’ve been searching for—my mysterious stalker’s identity.


“I know who’s stalking me.”

Trevor calls out to me as I rush to my office before my first class of the day. My smile is bright, my steps lighter now that I know April is the one behind everything and I can tell Trevor the news.

But my stomach twists when I spot the person at his side. A short man with a beard and a police uniform.

Trevor waves me over, and I try to slow my breathing and my racing heart.

“Briar!” He flashes me a warm smile. “This is my buddy, Dan. He’s agreed to take your statement about your stalker.”

I push down the unease that bubbles to the surface. So far, the police haven’t exactly been receptive to anything I’ve said.

“We really encourage you to make an official report,” Dan says. “You can come down to the station anytime and personally request me to take your statement.”

“I think your department is done listening to me.” I offer him a sickly sweet smile. “In fact, I don’t think any of you have been listening to me from the beginning.”

Dan frowns sympathetically. “I understand you’ve recently been connected to two unfortunate incidents. But if you’re being stalked, it’s possible there could be a connection. By reporting what you’re experiencing, you could potentially help us solve Dr. Charles Barrett’s disappearance.”

I glance at Trevor, who nods encouragingly. “You can tell him, Briar. He’s here to listen.”

Trevor’s trying to be a good friend, and Dan is likely his buddy down at the station who’s been helping us with the investigation so far. Maybe he doesn’t share Smith’s and Rosario’s suspicions of me.

“Actually,” I admit, taking a deep breath, “I am pretty sure I’ve identified my stalker.”

Trevor brightens while Dan pulls out a notepad. “Really? Who would that be?”

“Her name is April Emmons.”
