Page 64 of His Sinner

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“No!” Mack and I shout in unison.

Officer Dan was on Trevor’s side through all of this. Feeding him information, trying to convince me to make an official report. Probably so they could twist my words and implicate Saint in all of this.

Saint claims he has a weapon for each of his enemies stashed in Nicholson Manor. He’s murdered three men. He can defend himself.

If April sends the police to Nicholson Manor, they’ll discover Saint standing over Trevor’s dead body, covered in his blood.

Unless Trevor ambushes him.

Or James. Whoever the fuck he is.

I hope Saint hasn’t killed him yet so I can deliver the final blow. I want to watch the light leave that motherfucker’s eyes. For everything he did to my best friend. For all the shit he’s put us through.

If anyone deserves to rot in hell, it’s Trevor James Hobart.

“You go,” I tell April. “Go home.”

“Please delete that video.” For the first time, her gaze is pleading. “That can’t get out.”

“It won’t,” I promise her. “I’ll delete it. And we’ll delete it off Trevor’s phone too.”

“How are you going to do that?”

“Don’t worry about it,” I snap. “Just go, April. I need to get to Saint.”

Who knows what’s happening on that mountain. But if Saint could, he would’ve answered my calls.

He needs me. And I need him. I can’t let him believe for one more second that I don’t love him.

He vowed that there was nothing he wouldn’t do for me. Now it’s my turn to make that vow to him.

April nods, rushing for her car.

Dark clouds blot out the blue sky. But even a torrential downpour won’t keep me from Saint de Haas. If the roles were reversed, he wouldn’t let a little rain stop him.

He would do everything he could to get to me. To protect me.

I grab Mack’s trembling hands. “I need to go to Saint. You stay here, okay?”

She shakes her head quickly. “No way. I’m not letting you go by yourself.”

“And I’m not letting you anywhere near that asshole again.”

Mack has spent the past two years hiding from Trevor. If I bring her up that mountain, all of that time will have been for nothing. All of the sacrifices she made, the time she went without seeing her own family, the entire life she gave up for refuge—all of it will be wasted if she walks right back into his waiting arms.

If he gets his hands on her because of me, I’ll never forgive myself.

“Don’t go without me. I don’t want to be alone, Briar.” Her bottom lip wobbles. “I don’t want him to find me alone.”

I wrap my arms around her and squeeze her to me. My heart breaks at the fear in her voice. I want to slice a fresh wound into his skin for every time he hurt her.

I have to go to Saint. I can’t let Trevor hurt him. But I also can’t leave Mack behind.

“He won’t. I won’t leave you alone.” When I pull back, I force my voice to brighten. “It’s one of him against three of us. Saint has a manor full of weapons, and he’s killed before. If he needs to, he can do it again.”

She nods. “We need to do this. I need to do this.” Her eyes flood with tears until they’re spilling down her cheeks. “I’m done running from him. I don’t care what the outcome is—if he goes to prison or a grave. I just want this to be over.”

I take her hand, my own eyes misting at her tears. “Are you sure?”
