Page 71 of His Sinner

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His arms slip under my body until he slowly stands on shaky legs.

“What did he do to you?” I whisper.

“He buried me. He tried to keep me from you. I would never let him do that.” Saint slowly carries me away from the fire, smoke still scorching my lungs and throat.

His arms tremble under my weight, but he doesn’t drop me.

Trevor buried him alive. And he still found his way back to me. Kept fighting only to save me.

“I’m so sorry I doubted you.” Tears burn my eyes that have nothing to do with the smoke. “I...I love you. I’m sorry I couldn’t say it sooner. And I swear to god I’m not saying it right now just because I almost died.”

Through his tears, he lets out a laugh that’s tinged with relief and mania. “I love you too. So fucking much, muse. I’m sorry I let him hurt you. I should’ve been there to protect you.” His voice breaks. “I keep fucking up.”

“No. You’re the only reason I’m still alive.”

He clutches me closer, shuffling for the sunroom and the door that leads us outside, away from the fire consuming his beautiful manor.

The brisk spring air mixed with pouring rain pierces my insides in a new kind of pain. “He knocked me out.” Tears slip down my cheeks. “He took Mack.”

Saint’s inky eyes cloud. “Then we need to go get her.”



She’s alive.

My muse is still alive and in my arms. I could fall to my knees in reverence to the universe for sparing her.

She loves me. My muse finally said the words out loud. The three words I’ve long been aching to hear spill from those perfect lips.

Over the torrential downpour, a scream makes every hair on my body stand up.

A scream that reminds me entirely too much of the screams emitted from the men I killed before they took their final breaths.

Briar scrambles out of my arms, desperate to get to Mack before she takes that final breath.

From the woods, a lone, dark figure hobbles for the truck parked near the cemetery.

An unconscious body in his arms.

She managed to escape him at some point. She ran from him again, hid long enough for me to get to Briar. Whether she hurt his leg or he fell in the woods, he somehow still got to her again.

She’s not dead. He wouldn’t kill her. Not after spending so much time chasing her.

But he’s taking her.

And who knows how long she’ll survive him.

I limp after him, ignoring the screaming muscles in my legs.

Briar runs past me, even as the smoke still scorches her lungs. “You’re not getting away with this, motherfucker!”

Trevor opens the back door and stuffs Mack’s motionless body into the backseat.

“Stop!” Briar screams.

But Trevor is already jumping into the driver’s seat and swinging the door shut.
