Page 76 of His Sinner

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I don’t know if she actually believes I’m innocent or if Rosario put her up to this. As long as whatever Saint did convinces them of Trevor’s guilt, I don’t really care what Smith thinks about me.

“I . . . understand,” I force out. “Thank you for your apology.”

With that, she heads for the cruiser.

“Have a great day, Officer!” Mack calls.

I lock the door behind her and whirl on Saint. “What did you do?”

He shrugs, a cocky smile on his lips. “I may have had some DNA evidence to plant in Trevor’s truck.”

His trophies. He must’ve kept something from at least one of the victims and planted it. Potentially linking Trevor to both men. Now that the police know Trevor was stalking me, they’ve established his connections to the men and his motive.

And he’s not alive to deny any of it.

“Oh my gosh!” Mack squeals, beaming and throwing her arms around Saint. “You are brilliant! I’m going to call Zayden and let him know he doesn’t have to be my prison pen pal.”

“Big Bertha will be incredibly disappointed.”

As soon as Mack skitters off to make her phone call, I kiss Saint. His lips mold perfectly to mine. Made for each other. “When the repairs to Nicholson Manor are finished, I want to move in with you.”

Saint smiles, cradling my face with both hands, more tenderly and lovingly than any other man could muster. “I would be delighted to have you, muse.”

Saint, Mack, and Mom help me pack up my belongings. Cookie watches us from her perch on the back of the couch with disdain, disturbed by all of the commotion and her belongings being moved.

“You two are welcome to live with us,” Saint reminds my mom and my best friend. My family.

“There are plenty of rooms,” I add.

Mom smiles. “That’s very sweet of you to offer, but I’m very happy in my home. And no offense, but I don’t want to live with you.” I open my mouth to express my offense, but she adds, “I don't need to know—or hear—what goes on between you two behind closed doors.”

“Agreed,” Mack chirps. “But Ginger and I will be visiting all the time.”

“You better.” I grab a heavy box full of books and carry it out to the car.

Parked in front of my house is a familiar black BMW. April locks the car behind her as she marches up my driveway. She always walks like she has somewhere to be and no time to waste on bullshit. She’ll be an excellent lawyer.

She nods to my open trunk. “Moving out?”

“Yep. Turns out I have a stalker.”

For the first time, an amused smile crosses her lips. “Listen, I’m sorry I suspected you and lowkey stalked you.”

“It’s okay. I would’ve done the same thing.”

“I’m sure you’ve heard by now that the police found Austin’s DNA in Trevor’s truck.” She shakes her head. “I can’t believe he was stalking you. He could’ve killed you too.”

“Yeah. He almost did.”

Saint is the reason I’m still alive. I’ll never be able to thank him enough for everything he’s done for me.

April folds her arms. “I’m glad he’s dead.”

“Me too.”

No one else’s death has made me happier. Mack is safe now. Trevor can’t hurt her or stalk me. He’s out of our lives for good. We can finally close this chapter and move on.

April lowers her voice. “Did it really go down the way you said?”
