Page 22 of Delphine

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“Sounds like fun,” he said. “Can I help?”

“But it’s daytime.” I looked around for a clock. “Won’t the sun hurt you?”

“I am old enough to tolerate it.”

“I think Phoebe and I can handle it,” I said. “It’s what we’re paid for anyway.”

He frowned.

“Where are my clothes?” I asked, trying to switch the topic. Phoebe would be waiting for me, and here I was flirting with someone who thought I was a curiosity.

Levi went into the bathroom and came back with my clothes, clean and folded.

I blinked. “When did you . . .?”

He shrugged. “Vampires don’t need to sleep.”

“Thanks,” I said and set about getting dressed. Levi disappeared again and I thought I was going to be able to sneak out. Then I could put this behind me as just another one-night stand. He wouldn’t really want anything long term with me, no matter what magic was involved.

I crossed the silent living room, and Cinbad glared at me from her perch on the couch. “I’m going, I’m going.”

Levi appeared at my side. “We can get you some breakfast at the cafe.”

“No worries,” I said. “I’ll grab something on my way.”

He grabbed my arms and stopped me, peering into my eyes. “What’s wrong?”


That uncertain frown crossed his face again. “Are you mad at me?”

“No,” I said. “I just need to get to work, and I’m sure you have work to do here.” I opened the door and made my way up the stairs into the aquarium. Levi didn’t follow, and I breathed a sigh of relief. I just needed to have some time to think about what had happened.

I hurried through the aquarium. It was still early. I reached into my coat pocket and pulled out my cell phone. I didn’t know why I hadn’t even thought to look at it before. It was just nine-thirty in the morning. The aquarium didn’t open for another thirty minutes. I didn’t pass anyone and just hurried out the front doors and into the fall sunshine.

The weather had turned again, and I pulled my coat tighter around myself. I called Mystic Transit and took it over to Jewel’s Cafe first. I was going to need a pick-me-up. I also wanted to ask Amber about the mate thing. Jewel’s Cafe was busy when I got there, and there was a line stretching out the door. Every time the door opened, it jingled. I impatiently hopped from foot to foot until it was my turn to enter. The band Not a Vampire was playing but the voices of all the customers nearly drowned it out. Minnie was at the counter looking harassed and two guys were helping her, but Amber was nowhere in sight. Dammit. I wasn’t getting any answers today. I’d have to stop back later when it was quieter. When I finally got to the counter, I ordered a hot mocha and a pumpkin spice muffin to go then recalled my ride share.

Phoebe was up on the ladder applying primer when I arrived. The house was looking good. I was honestly surprised that we’d gotten so much done in just a few days.

“Hello,” I shouted, but she didn’t hear me. I tried again.

Phoebe turned and squinted at me. Then she pulled out her ear bud and said, “Hey, sis.”

“I’m going to eat, then I’ll get to work.”

She gave me a thumbs up and put her ear bud back in. She was in the zone.

I settled down on the front porch to eat. The wood planks were cold under my bottom, but I had the coffee to keep my hands warm. I’d get the painter gear out of Phoebe’s truck when I was ready to get started.

The muffin was still warm. I held it in my hands and breathed the spicy scent in. I pulled the edges of the wrapper down. I had just taken my first bite of the amazing muffin when a male voice said, “Hello.”

He wore painter’s coveralls over his clothes. Even with its oversized goofiness—Phoebe always said we looked like giant marshmallows—he was still as good-looking as sin. I could get swept away by his beach-tanned skin and his sea-green eyes. His brown hair fell forward over one eye, and he flipped it back.

“Hi, Hudson,” I said, trying not to be rude and swallowing the bite of muffin. “I thought you were done after the tree scraping?”

“Phoebs said you could use some help, so I thought I’d stick around.” He gave me one of his million watt smiles.

Phoebs? When did he get so close to my sister? An unfamiliar feeling rumbled to life in my chest and I rubbed my breastbone.
