Page 30 of Delphine

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“Did you check all the corridors?”

“Yes, that’s why I was sure she’d be with you.”

Roman came jogging up to us. “Is she here?”

“Not here,” Levi said heavily.

“Do you think she left?” I asked. “Just went back home?”

“What did you say to her?” Roman growled.

I lifted my hands, protesting my innocence. “Nothing. We stopped for food on the way here, and then we came inside . . . the aquarium was a mess. I asked her to wait by JJ . . .” I tried to remember if I’d said anything specific. “She did ask if she should use her magic.”

“And?” Roman demanded.

I eyed him. He had always been a quiet academic type. I’d barely even thought of him as a vampire, until Delphine. Now he was a real predator and apparently most of his rage was directed at me. Lucky turtle that I was.

“I told her no, because it would leave the animals stranded and suffocating in the air,” I said. “But I wasn’t mean about it or anything.”

Roman scowled. “You hurt her feelings. Of course she left.”

“I don’t think I did.” I scratched my neck. It had been chaotic. I didn’t think I’d snapped at Delphine but maybe I had. Had I chased her off? Just when we were getting to know her?

“Well, she’s not here anymore,” Levi said. “Maybe she went back to her hotel or to get some food, and we’ll just have to catch up with her later.”

“I guess.” I was looking forward to spending the afternoon with my mate. We’d cleared her schedule and everything. “Do you guys have her number?”

They shook their heads. I guessed in the excitement of first meetings they hadn’t really had a chance. I couldn’t blame them. I hadn’t gotten it either.

“I guess she’ll come back when she’s ready,” Levi said. “In the meantime, we have a whole aquarium to clean.”

Roman didn’t look any happier about this idea than I was but it seemed like the best plan. She was my mate and connected to me as much as I was to her. Surely she wouldn’t be able to just walk away? I just had to be patient. I’d been waiting years to find out I had a mate, that I even could have a mate. I could wait a little longer.


I tried yelling and beating the walls, but no one heard me. I wondered if a spell was involved or if the van was just that airtight. The two thugs who’d grabbed me sat up front, but no matter what noise I made, they didn’t turn around.

I reached for my medallion. If it was a spell, I could just take it off and I’d be heard. I yanked it off. The thugs in the front seat gave a shout, and then the van swerved. I slid across the floor. I reached out for something to hold on to but there was nothing.

“What the hell?” I shouted.

A loud boom echoed in my ears. The van jerked to a sudden halt. I was thrown into the divider. Pain exploded in my head, and my vision got foggy. I fell back down onto the floor. Darkness swept over me.

I didn’t know how much later it was, but the back door opened and a light cut across me. I opened my eyes, but they were still bleary and my head rang like a church bell.

The old man from O’Malley’s leaned over me.

“Who are you?” I gasped.

“Sleep now,” he said, waving a hand over my face.

Nothing happened.

He scowled and repeated his words.

Still nothing happened.

“What are you?” he asked, his head tilting to the side. “I can’t feel my power at all.”
