Page 3 of Bespelled

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It didn’t take me long to swipe right on Red, who’d uploaded a helpful picture of herself in today’s clothes. She should be more careful. She was a beautiful woman and a username like Red22 wasn’t fooling anyone. Then I settled in to wait for her reply. Hopefully she’d say yes because otherwise I didn’t know what I’d do.


Back in my dorm room, I tried to study, but I couldn’t seem to focus. What was wrong with me lately? Instead, I ended up falling asleep for the rest of the afternoon and having a way too steamy dream about a certain good-looking bodyguard. I woke up to the sound of my phone ringing. Rubbing my head with one hand, I reached for it with the other.

I answered before I even digested the name on the screen.

“Hey babe,” Jules said in his deep familiar voice.

“Fuck off,” I muttered, climbing out of bed and sliding my feet into my cat slippers. The heads bobbed back and forth as I stumbled across the room to my dresser and grabbed the reusable water bottle there.

“Come on, babe, Is that any way to talk to your future husband?”

“Not now.” My stomach clenched. “Not ever.” The clock face read six o’clock already. I’d slept through dinner. Dammit.

“Looking for someone new?” he asked. I could hear the fury in his voice. Like he had any right.

“It’s none of your business,” I growled, flipping open the top of the water bottle.

“Our families expect—”

“Get this straight, jerk,” I began, staring at my reddening face in the mirror above my dresser. What was it with this guy? He might be powerful because of his family connections, but that didn’t mean I would just give in. I wasn’t an idiot. Jules had used and abused me.

“I will never ever date, marry, or fuck you again,” I said firmly. Even if it meant I never married anyone. I’d be a happy old spinster witch if that’s what it took.

“Toni,” he growled, his famous temper leaking through. He was such an arrogant bastard.

“You have no say in my life or who I date.” I swallowed a gulp of the water.

“Is that why you signed up for The Crystal Connection?”

“Stalker! Leave me alone.” I wanted to call him much worse, but I couldn’t seem to make the words come out. He’d hurt me more than I thought I ever could be hurt, and I wouldn’t forgive him, but we lived in the same world. Our mothers were friends. We shared the same coven. Hell, his father ran it. Dammit.

“Baby, you know I didn’t mean what I said that night,” he wheedled.

“Right,” I said, rolling my shoulders.

“I might sow my oats, babe, but you’re the only one for me.”

I stared at the phone screen. Asshole. Fury roared up inside of me. He’d just been sowing his oats by sleeping with everyone on campus—witch or no witch—while telling me I was his one and only. And he had the nerve to get on my case about joining a dating app? I’d even set it to no witches, so he wouldn’t find me. Guess that hadn’t worked.


I clicked the off button on his call and the phone went silent. Thumbing through my contacts, I thought I had blocked his number. Did some idiotic part of me think there was a chance we’d get back together? I shook my head. But when I found his name, my finger shook over the block button. What the hell? Why couldn’t I do it? I chewed on my lip.

Another call came in. I ignored it, swiping open The Crystal Connection instead. I had half a dozen date options—two werewolves, a vampire, and a gargoyle. I stared at the gargoyle picture in my matches. I'd never seen a gargoyle in their natural form before. I peered at the handsome creature. He looked vaguely family but I wasn't sure why. I frowned. Well, why not? It was only a one night stand. I’d already tried werewolf, and the vampire—well, Nevaeh was right—they were too dangerous.

I swiped right on the gargoyle. How about dinner? I typed. Tonight? Dammit I was angry and hungry, and worst case I’d get to eat. Best case scenario I’d get laid. Even if I had to be single forever, that didn’t mean I couldn't sow some oats of my own.

Okay, how about Murphys, the gargoyle typed back.

Murphys was a restaurant and pub near the main square. It’d be nice and public if things didn’t go well. The food was great too.

Perfect, I answered, see you at seven.

I jumped in the shower, then went through my closet looking for something to wear. I settled on a short skirt and a sweater top with some cute boots. I pulled a jacket on too, since the weather wasn’t sure it was quite ready to be spring yet. I looked cute and sexy but not too slutty I hoped. The wind was picking up as I grabbed a rideshare downtown and stepped out in front of Murphy’s. Brushing down my skirt, I felt oddly nervous. My phone rang, and I glared down at the screen expecting Jules again. It was Mom.

“Hello,” I said warily.
