Page 29 of Ours

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“I love that.” Lola beamed.

“Thank you for coming to the gala. We appreciate all the help we can get. It's been a great three years, but we are ready to expand and help as many kids and young adults as we can,” I said, giving them a big smile.

“It’s a great cause. Gabriel was the one who heard about you through a friend, and we couldn’t pass up the opportunity to help,” Lincoln said, grabbing the last two champagne glasses from a nearby waiter.

“I can get you another glass,” I said, looking for a nearby waiter.

“Oh, no thank you. I’m pregnant so I’m the DD today.” Lola rubbed her stomach as the men beside her looked at her with an insurmountable amount of love.

“Congratulations,” I said, and they all looked so fucking happy that it was almost sickening.

“Thank you, we are all pretty excited.” She blushed.

“Shit, sorry I’m late.”

I knew that voice and I didn’t know if I should be happy or mad to see him again. It seemed the world made a decision for me as Vincent walked up to Lincoln and his family. He looked devastatingly handsome in a navy tux as he said his hellos.

“You’re fine, we were just talking to Easton who works with the organization.” Lincoln smiled at Vincent and that’s when his eyes finally saw me. “This is Vincent.”

His eyes widened ever so slightly, but he just smirked.

“We know each other,” he said, holding out his hand. “He’s friends with Genevieve.”

I shook his hand wondering what game he was playing at, and if they knew who Genevieve was.

“Way to out him, Vincent, how couth of you,” Gabriel said, in a teasing tone.

Lincoln laughed as Vincent glared at Gabriel, it made me like him even more. Wait, that meant he knew Genevieve. Did that mean he was into kink? God, if I met him before his relationship, I would have bottomed for him in a heartbeat.

Vincent cleared his throat, pulling me from my dirty thoughts and it was my turn to smirk at him. We quickly fell into a conversation about the organization, what our mission was about and what we planned to do in the future. What I really wanted to talk about was if this night wasn’t a success, we might only be open for another year, maybe two if we couldn’t keep getting recurring donations.

“So, what is your goal for tonight?” Lincoln asked.

“Our director has said, realistically, we should shoot for one hundred to one hundred fifty thousand,” I said, hating that the number was so low.

“But what are you hoping for?” Vincent looked at me.

“Realistically, I know that’s a good number to shoot for, but honestly, I’m hoping we can double, maybe even triple that,” I said, hoping I wasn’t shooting myself in the foot. “I want to keep this organization open for as long as possible because I’ve seen us help so many kids. We are making a real difference.”

“Linc.” Lola looked up at Lincoln. “Please.”

The moment he looked at her I knew we were getting a donation. He kissed her forehead, looking so in love my heart stuttered at the emotion.

“Ok, you can count on us for a hundred fifty thousand,” he said, smiling at his wife.

“Holy shit, are you serious?” I blurted out not expecting him to say a number that size.

“And you can expect three hundred thousand from me,” Vincent added, and I thought I might pass out.

“Always have to one up me, don’t you?” Lincoln quipped, but I was still in shock.

Endless possibilities went through my head at what we could do with that kind of money.

“I think we broke him. You ok, man?” Gabriel asked, looking concerned.

“Uh, yeah I just, you don’t… Shit, I’m sorry,” I said, getting embarrassed and I couldn’t stop cursing. “I wasn’t prepared for that amount, and I think I malfunctioned.”

I laughed nervously, feeling my face getting red.
