Page 76 of Ours

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She rolled her wrists. “They feel fine, a little sore, but ok.”

“We can put some cream to help soothe them, if we need to,” Vincent said, holding a wet towel in his hand. “How are you feeling?”

“Like an overcooked noodle,” she said, rolling off me.

Vincent immediately cleaned her up, leaning over her to kiss her. My body immediately reacted to them, wanting nothing more than round two. They pulled away looking at me before they came towards me. Vincent leaned over me, kissing me fiercely, as I felt Noemi lean against me, kissing my neck. I wrapped my arm around her, pulling away from Vincent to kiss her.

The sound of a phone ringing sounded in the background, but no one broke our connection. I didn’t know whose phone it was, but it didn’t matter. Noemi pulled Vincent close to us, until we were all kissing. It wasn’t easy, or fluid or even sexy, but it worked for us. Feeling their lips together settled something in me and for once, I was at peace. The phone rang again immediately, making Vincent pull away from us with a snarl.

I went back to kissing Noemi, so she didn’t feel any type of rejection because he pulled away for his phone. He sighed loudly, making me worried we were going to have to leave or something was wrong.

“I have to take this,” Vincent said, grabbing his underwear and pants. “I’ll be right back.”

“Is everything ok?” I asked.

Noemi scooted closer to me, as a slight shiver racked her body. I looked for a blanket close to us, when Vincent threw a soft blanket on top of us.

“If you're hungry, we can pick up food on the way to my house.” He smiled at us.

“Ok,” Noemi said, rubbing her cheek against my chest.

We cuddled for a moment until her shaking subsided. I rubbed her arm, deciding if I wanted to push the issue with Cheryl, but I decided to let her come to me if she needed anything.

“How are you feeling?” I asked, running my hand through her hair.

“Tired,” she murmured.

“I have to use the restroom and we can decide what we want to eat,” I said, getting up, pulling the blanket over her.

She had her hair fanned out around her, her skin glowed with a dreamy smile on her face. My heart clenched at the sight of her, igniting a protective instinct in me.

“I was serious, Noemi,” I said, pushing a stray hair out of her face. “If you need me or you need anything, I want to help you.”

Her smile faded into a serious expression. My heart beat wildly thinking I might have just fucked up, but she gave me a small smile that made my heart calm down.

“I know, I appreciate your offer,” she said, sitting up.

I gave her another second to see if she would say more, but she didn’t.

“Ok, I trust that you will reach out if you need anything,” I said, kissing her forehead before turning around to head to the restroom.

My intuition was going crazy, something was wrong. I glanced at her before closing the door, seeing her head down and her hands clenched in the blanket. I closed the door before I did something stupid or pushed her away even more.

I had never had this response to a woman or a man before, but with Noemi, she brought out a lot more than just a protective streak and Vincent made me want to let go of all the control I had carefully crafted over the years. Doing my business quickly, I cleaned up a little more, desperate to get back to Noemi, deciding to leave the ball in her court and when she needed me, I would be there.

When I opened the door the sound of a door closing echoed in the room. I expected to see Vincent walking in the room, but as I looked around the room it was completely empty. Warning bells rang in my head. Noemi, I pushed her too far.

I rushed to grab my pants, sliding them on without my briefs, looking around for my shirt before I didn’t care. Slipping on my shoes, I ran from the room and down the stairs. I was such an idiot. Leaving the hallway to the private rooms, I scanned the open floor, desperate to find her.

“She left towards the exit.”

I looked over to the bouncer, nodding my thanks. My stomach twisted hoping she didn’t find an Uber right away. The crowd had grown in size, which made walking to the door feel impossible. When I finally reached the exit, I pushed through the people, searching for Noemi as the cold October air hit me.

I walked around the building to the street, immediately seeing Noemi. Tears strolled down her face, her hands shook, and a soft whimper escaped.

“Shit,” she cried, when she dropped her phone, squatting down to pick it up, but she didn’t stand back up.

She buried her face in her hands, her shoulders shook, and I slowly walked over to her.
