Page 91 of Ours

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The elevator dinged before I walked over to my room. Even though I mostly slept in Vincent's room, he still insisted that I have my own room. It was almost as big as his with a king-sized bed, a closet that I could probably sleep in, and my own bathroom. Vincent lived a life of luxury and if I let myself, I think I could get used to it really quick.

Someone came to the house two days a week to clean, wash clothes and do grocery shopping. He requested my shopping list on Sundays and by Monday afternoon the fridge was stocked.

Now that I had so much time to actually relax, I felt like I didn’t know what to do with myself. I had been working my ass off for so long that it felt like I was being lazy when I actually read a book or watched TV.

It was only three and since I still had time before dinner, a bath sounded great. I grabbed a book, turned on the faucet, and filled the tub before dumping in a bath bomb Easton had given me. I stripped my clothes off when my phone vibrated.

Easton: I’m working late today, do you want to grab dinner?

Me: I’m making steak tacos tonight. Come over?

I expected him to reject the offer or ignore me, that's all he had done for the past week. Now I really felt like shit when I tried to tell them I was ok, when I really wasn’t. I knew this was just supposed to be superficial.

Easton: Ok, I'll be over at seven. Do you need me to bring anything?

Me: Just you, that's all I need.

I didn’t expect him to respond so I stripped by the tub, relaxing with a book from one of my favorite W authors. After my bath, I got started on making dinner, wanting everything to be ready for when either of them got home.


The more time I spent with them, the more I liked the idea of all of us together. My sister was right; I had forgotten what it was like to smile and look forward to the future. This was dangerous thinking, and I couldn’t afford to get attached, but why did it feel so effortless?

The sound of footsteps broke my thoughts when I was surprised to see Easton walking into the open space. My breath caught; I forgot how handsome he was. He looked so exhausted, though.

“Hey,” I said, taking the pan off the stove, walking over to him.

I just wanted to give him a hug, but he tugged me in for a kiss that made my entire body tingle.

“I missed you,” he sighed, resting his forehead against my own.

“I missed you too,” I said, bringing him in for another kiss, feeling like I needed to make up for not seeing him.

“You didn’t answer my text, but I brought you these,” he said, handing me a pink box with a bow.

“Sorry, once you answered me, I didn't bring it with me from my room,” I said, opening it to see that he had gotten me pan dulce—sweet bread—from my favorite bakery, which was across town in the opposite direction of his route here.

“I hope it’s everything you like,” he said, sounding unsure.

“Even if it wasn’t, it's perfect,” I said, pecking him on the lips, almost forgiving him for ghosting us, but I guess I couldn’t hold it against him.

“If it's not, blame Vincent because he told me what to get.” He smiled.

“Thank you,” I said, pushing him towards a seat. “Bourbon?”

“I’ll take some water,” he said, shrugging off his jacket.

Today Easton was in a maroon suit and, fuck my life, this man couldn’t look bad even if he tried. I let myself stare for a moment before getting him water.

I heard the elevator just before Vincent came into the room.

“Hey, you made it,” he said, and when I turned around, I saw them kissing.

Vincent took over the kiss, Easton submitting to him, making me grow hot instantly, hoping Vincent would say ‘fuck it’ to dinner and we could eat later.

“I just needed some time and I’m sorry I didn’t communicate that very well,” Easton said, looking at Vincent like he was asking for forgiveness. “Seeing my parents knocked me off my axis, and I didn’t handle it well.”

“There's no need to apologize,” I said, setting his water down.
