Page 111 of Wolf's Gambit

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“She loves you very much,” Kris said, his voice softening as he thought of his mate. “But I agree.” He didn’t look happy about it. “It’s too much of a risk.”

“Okay.” Looking down at myself, I checked what I was wearing. “I’m practically ready to go,” I said bitterly.

“The backpacks, at our meeting place, there’s money in yours. Take it and go.” He sighed. “There’s a phone too. Only I have the number. Keep it with you. When it’s time, I’ll come.”

I nodded, letting my brother engulf me as he hugged me tight. “One more hurdle, Kezia,” he whispered. “Then you can come back, and it can be behind us.”

“Unless I fuck up.”

He blew out a breath. “Well, don’t fuck up.”

The shaman started to laugh, and I grinned ruefully at my brother, causing him to laugh too. It was bittersweet that I would leave them when I was just beginning to understand more.

“Don’t shift,” the shaman warned. “Hike to your safe place. Your human scent fades quicker than your wolf’s.”

“You want me to go now, right?” I felt sick. The last few days had been a roller coaster, and I was constantly bracing myself for the next twist and turn.

“It would be best if it was at night,” Kris confirmed.

“Okay.” Chewing my lip, I looked between the two of them. “Um…call me?” I joked weakly, but it made my brother chuckle as he hugged me one more time.

I even got a hug from the shaman. “Luna is watching over you, pup.”

“Can you tell her to give me a break?” I asked seriously. The old wolf patted my cheek. I wasn’t sure I liked his answer.

Sooner than I liked, I was walking through the meadow, heading southeast down the mountain, alert for any sound in the night that meant I wasn’t alone.

I picked the pack up and checked it all. Kris must have been planning this, I realized as I tugged out a black hoodie from the tightly packed rucksack. I found the phone and the wad of cash. No fighting rings for me, not for a while anyway. Stuffing in the herbs the shaman gave me, I got ready to leave.

Shouldering the backpack, I inhaled deeply. With one last look over my shoulder to view Anterrio, my eyes flicked past it, focusing on the mountain that sat behind it.

Was he back on his mountain? A shifter like him had speed to spare.

Distance—that’s what we needed until the bond was broken.

With a sigh, I turned my back on the mountains and headed south.



I watched the two males fighting in the ring.

Both were big and brawny, their muscles tight and defined. It was an even match. I watched as I walked around the ring, my eyes searching the shadows as always.

A cheer rose, and I turned my attention back to the ring. The darker-haired one was on his knees. Impassively, I watched as he struggled to rise, and with speed, he ducked the roundhouse kick, and in retaliation, he punched his opponent’s inner thigh. There was still a fight to be had in there.

I found another set of eyes in the crowd. With a slight nod, I let them know I was ready.

Walking out of the barn, I looked up at the sky. The faint pull in my belly that I tried so hard to ignore was drawing me tonight, making its presence known. The moon shone above, making the night bright and sharper.

Scents and smells were surrounding me tonight, confusing my senses or trying to. With a snarl, I shook my head. I needed to be clearheaded.

Fingers trailed lightly over my arm as I glanced at the one who had followed me out. “You seem lonely.”

“Do I?” I scoffed, my head turning to look east. I looked back at them. “Go inside, there’s nothing for you out here.”

I heard more cheers from inside, and I knew I needed to go back to the ring, but my attention returned to the moon as she hung full and heavy in the sky. A familiar scent broke my perusal of the night.

“Well?” I asked.

“I found her.”

Turning my head sharply, I looked at Royce. “It’s definitely her?”

He nodded once. “Yes, Alpha, it’s her.”

The bond tugged at me once more. “Finally, let’s go get my mate.”
