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Do you ever wake up and just want to fuck?

Ever since she showed up.

There’s no way I’m going anywhere near her.

Lately, life’s been a little frustrating.

Don’t get me wrong, I love my life, it’s my past I could do without. I don’t dwell on it, like they say, live today like it’s your last, don’t worry about tomorrow, it’ll take care of itself. Everything happens for a reason, it made me who I am, and brought me to where I’m at. I’ve got no one to answer to, I love my job, I’ve got great friends, and I have no shortage of female companionship.

If I choose.

It was a long, tough road to get here, but now that I’m here, I’m not planning on changing a thing.

But we’ve all got that one secret that no one knows, that one strange thing that really gets you hard, or if you prefer to refer to yourself as politely reserved (uptight), makes you feel alive.

Our kink.

Hold on, I don’t get off with torture, no fucking way. I’m not sick and deranged. But to see me, a tough looking guy, tattoo artist, and yeah, I’ve got my piercings, (chicks love those too), the guys in the shop would never let me live it down, and some broads might think I’m gay. Except for the few I’ve indulged with. They keep coming back.

Ever since the sweet little thing opened her coffee shop next door to my tattoo parlor, my mind has envisioned all the different ways of getting my kink on with Tinkerbell, the owner.


To be honest, I’ve been a miserable son-of-a-bitch since I first laid eyes on her.

My balls have suffered the worst, they’ve stayed a constant shade of blue.

There she is now.

I watch her through the plate glass window. I don’t know where she came from. One day she was just there. I was drawn to her immediately and have watched her ever since.

It’s not a conscious thing, my eyes automatically move in her direction, pulled to her whenever she’s in my line of vision. I’ve caught myself more times than I can count and by the time I realize I’m staring, every detail about her has been burned into my mind. Right now she’s outside cleaning the tables. My jaw clenches and that familiar tightening grips me as the wind whips up a little and blows her loose top around her body, baring her creamy pale stomach. It’s not tight from a hundred crunches, but looks soft and feminine. My mind doesn’t see her flesh white, but what I’d do to it. My fingertips tingle with the need to stroke her skin. The wispy fringes of bronze, gold, and brown hair around her face that fell from the messy bun tickle her lips. Those pouty fucking pink lips. Lips that make my mouth water. They’re moving.

Is she singing?

She bops her head up and down and wiggles her hips a little. Just a little bit. It makes me smile. It wouldn’t have been noticeable to anyone glancing at her, but I’m not glancing. I’m staring. Studying her. Like I always do. And I don’t even realize it. I can’t help it, it just happens. Then she smiles. It’s a ray of fucking sunshine burning down on me, heating me right to my crotch.

“Dude, why don’t you just go out there and fuck her already before you come all over yourself.”

I stiffen.



“Yeah, because you sure as hell wouldn’t get twenty feet next to her before she screamed from your ugly-ass face,” I throw back at him as I pull my attention from the window. And Tinkerbell.

I’m not giving shit away.

Bull, one of the tattoo artists in my shop, and a brother from another mother, is at his station checking and restocking his supplies. It’s Monday, the day after the usual busy weekend. Everyone comes in shit-faced after the bars Friday and Saturday nights wanting some ink. If you’re legal and got the cash, we don’t give a shit.

We’ve got it good. Life’s pretty sweet. At least since we’ve been here in Riverbend, a small town with three stop lights where no one locks their doors. Well, they probably started when we pulled into town on our motorcycles, all inked and kind of scary looking. Good, it’s good to keep people guessing, keep them leery of you. We’ve always had to, especially in our line of work, what we did before we came here, what we haven’t been called back for since arriving.

We all know eventually that call’s gonna come sometime.
