Page 114 of Canvas

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“Damn, darlin’, you’re as sweet as my mama’s homemade pecan pie,” Bull smiles. There’s that glimmer again.

“Perfection,” Gringo looks like he wants to eat her nice and slow.

Yeah, she’s all of that and more.

She smiles at each of them, it’s radiant and uninhibited.

It’s almost bittersweet, to finally do it, this thing I’ve wanted for so long, but then to have it almost be finished. This piece, this creation of Summer, will epitomize all that Summer is to me, her beauty, her wonder, her magnificence, her strength and power, everything that she is I want to pay homage to her by having it captured on the outside, for her to see herself as I see her.

I walk over to her and take her hand.

“Go have a shower, princess, we’ll meet you when you’re finished.”

I can see the blush creep up her skin under the paint and shimmer as her nipples harden and her eyes slowly meet Snake’s, Bull’s, then Gringo’s, before coming back to mine.

“Okay, I won’t be long.”

It’s time.

“We’ll have everything ready for you when you get out,” Snake comments deeply.

Their eyes lock. A heated moment, that moment we shared on my desk roars to life again.

Anything you want, princess, just say the word.

“Okay, I’ll be right back,” her words are soft and breathy, but sure.

I walk her to the bathroom, kiss her once, just once, long and hard, before I close the door and walk to the kitchen where they guys I’m sure are waiting.

“She looks good, Rock, strong and at ease,” Snake says with a scotch in his hand.

I pour myself a glass and take a sip before washing the paint off my arms and hands.

“I think all that shit is finally behind her,” I say.

She’s got the strength and perseverance of a fucking saint. But her body? Her body was made for sin.

“That’s good, she deserves to be happy,” Gringo replies.

“Did I tell you guys she asked me about us?” I say as I reach for the towel to dry my hands.

“What do you mean she asked about us?” Bull asks, then throws back a long pull from his beer. He and Gringo are at the table.

I turn around and lean against the counter and pick up my glass. “A couple of months ago she asked me if we fucked women together.”

“She obviously knows, Rock,” Snake looks at me. “We did have that time in your office.”

“I know, but,” I look to each of them. “She asked me to invite you guys over tonight.” I pause. “All of you.”

“Well, sweet little Sugar,” Bull beams. At least he dropped the Tits part.

A slow lascivious smile grows on Gringo’s face. I can only imagine which filthy thoughts are playing in his mind.

Snake’s expression doesn’t change.

“You know this wouldn’t be the same, Rock?” Snake finally asks me.

I do. I fucking do. They each love Summer in their own way. Especially Snake.
