Page 20 of Canvas

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“Enjoying yourself?” I huff as I get to my feet and give my shirt a hard yank down just for impact.

“Actually,” he grins, “I was. That was best thing I’ve seen in a really long time. Blue really suits you.” He’s got a full-blown smile on his gorgeously smug face, chiseled with the perfect neatly trimmed scruff. I want to pull the whiskers on his mustache and goatee, just to make him feel a little pain like me. “I’m visualizing the whole ensemble,” he continues, “the peek at the thong was just enough,” his gaze roams casually over my frame, he’s leaning on the counter with his elbow planted on it and his chin on his palm. Wearing a cocky grin.

Shoot me, somebody please just shoot me!

“I’m sooooooo happy I can be your morning entertainment.”

His grin morphs to a smirk. “The thought of you entertains me very often, Summer.” His voice is deep and husky, and his eyes are stripping me bare to my soul.

WHOA! He thinks about me…like that…often?!

How does he do that? Take me from pissed-off to scorching hot in 0.05 seconds flat!

He stands to his full overpowering six foot plus height. “What’s wrong?” he asks, all joking aside. He’s shifted gears while I’m still spinning my wheels wondering what he thinks about me, and why does this incredibly sexy man even know that I exist?

Swiping the back of my hand across my forehead to push the stray hair that fell from my bun out of my face, I answer, “This thing wasn’t working when I opened this morning. I was just cleaning up the mess.”

“Do you have enough product to get you through the day?” he asks as he pulls out his phone.

How does he even know that? Why would a guy like that, a tough no-compassion having guy, even consider something like that?

He’s a business owner too, dummy.

…oh yeah…

“I think so,” I huff out a heavy breath, I hope so, annoyed from being cramped inside the refrigerator for so long after scrambling like a chicken with its head cut off to rearrange the stock from the back.

He’s scrolling through his phone.

“Have you called anyone to come and look at it yet?” he asks not even looking at me.

“Not yet. I was going to give it a little while to see if it just overheated, then plug it back in.” I don’t want to admit I’m almost flat-broke and hate to part with the last little bit of cash I have on a service call I know I have to make, praying that some divine intervention might rain down on me before I give in.


That’s it, that’s all he says.

Okay what?

Mr. TD&I taps his screen and puts the phone to his ear.

I shift my attention to the dirty paper towels and cleaning supplies at my feet, resisting the urge to give them a swift kick. After a second, someone must have picked up his call because he starts to talk.

“Hi Joe, it’s Rock.”

Rock? His name is Rock? Who would call themselves that? Does that mean he gets as hard as a rock?

Stop it Summer!

He glances at me and smiles. It’s not patronizing, or full of sinful innuendos. It’s friendly and relaxed. Normal. Beautiful and gloriously normal…and really, extremely nice!

I literally almost flippin’ swoon.


“Listen Joe, I’m calling in a favor. The girl who owns the shop next door to mine, one of her refrigerators went out last night.” Oh, my God! His call is about me?! There’s a pause in the conversation as he listens to whomever this Joe is he’s talking to. “Yeah, the new coffee shop. Her name is Summer.” He glances at me again, flashing me another of those incredible smiles.

I’m sure my eyes are bugging out of my head.
