Page 32 of Canvas

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She’s driving me crazy!

It’s been a week since that morning in the coffee shop when the guys went in for the first time. I’ve been in every day since, the guys have too, but things have been different between Summer and I. I wasn’t going to press her. I figured she needed time to process the whole encounter of her first introduction to the men of Inked. I gave it to her. I’m just not sure how much longer I can remain distant.

Days like today certainly don’t help with my patience, or lack thereof.

I finished the preliminary work on a full back design on a pain in the ass client who’d had a very high threshold for pain. He kept pushing me to continue when anyone else would have stopped after an hour. I finally called it quits after three hours, hunched over him the entire time. That was after a college girl, giggling and batting her eyelashes, asked for the typical tramp-stamp tattoo at the base of her spine.

Real original.

She was another girl who dragged her pants and thong down, then climbed on the bed and spread her legs. I yanked the curtain closed and gritted my teeth and told her to put her damn pants back on and close her legs.

I wanted to have one of the other guys take her.

Hell, they’d all have taken her. At the same time. Again.

I wanted absolutely nothing to do with it. But she’d specifically asked for me when she made the appointment.

It pissed me off.

What the fuck is wrong with me?

The sweet little coffee shop owner with the perfect lips, sweetest ass, and tits I’m dying to cup in my hands.

The body I’m dying to embellish from her head to the tips of her toes. Toes I’m sure are just as incredible as the rest of her.

The woman I’d had the undeniable urge to protect and possess from the first moment I’d laid on eyes.


That’s what’s fucking wrong with me.


Summer. Just like the penetrating heat of the season, this woman had melted the frozen tundra of my life. Things are alive inside me, things I’d long since thought dead. I’m no longer numb, but feeling and seeing, wanting and, Shit!, needing.

All I want to do right now is take a long ride out in the country on my bike and clear my head. Nothing but me, the wind, the hum of the machine beneath me, and solitude. Let the freedom calm me as it always does.

As I walk to the back of the shops toward my Harley, I hear music. And singing. A female.

Fifth Harmony’s I’m Worth It is coming out of an open doorway full tilt. Summer’s back door. And she’s singing.

“Damn, the woman cannot carry a tune,” I smile. It’s the best damn thing I’ve heard all day.

Give it to me, I’m worth it…

All my attention is immediately focused on her and the words, visualizing her delicious little body moving seductively as she sings.

I may talk a lot of stuff, guaranteed I can back it up…

Can you, sweet Summer, can you back it up? I’m going to have to take you up on that.

My steps bring me closer to her door.

Just like every other time, I automatically gravitate to her, pulled by this inhuman attraction I have for her.
