Page 35 of Canvas

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When I finally feel her body relax under my hands, I ask her, “Are you ready to give it another go?”

“Yeah, it’ll be fine now, I’m sure of it.” She sounds so determined. And stubborn.

“Alright, go ahead.” I let her go.

Hesitantly, she shifts her weight to both feet.


Not even giving herself time to drop, she grips my arms again before I get her.

Her eyes are glistening with pooled tears.

“That’s enough.” I scoop her up in my arms.

“What are you doing?” she squeals.

“You could do more damage to it. It needs to heal. Do you have an ace bandage or something to wrap it with?”

She hesitates, her eyes studying mine as she worries her lip.

I fixate on her lip clenched between her teeth, dying to drag my tongue across it before sucking it between my own.

“No, I don’t.”

“That’s fine, princess, we’ll stop and get one, and a heating pad and an ice pack. You need to alternate the heat and the cold.” With her in my arms, I walk toward the docking station where the music is coming from. “Get your phone. We’re leaving.”

I feel her stiffen. “Where are we going?”

As she leans over and grabs her phone, I answer, “That all depends. Is there someone at home who can wait on you hand and foot? You are not to get on that leg for the rest of the night. Tomorrow you can see how you feel.”

“Don’t be silly, I don’t need…”

“Summer just answer the question. Is there someone at your place?”

I might be a selfish prick, but I hope not. No boyfriend or husband. Or girlfriend either for that fucking matter.

“No, but…” her eyes dart everywhere but on my face as I walk us up to the front of her shop.

“But nothing. You do now.” I sit her down on the counter. “I assume the front door is locked. What needs to be done in order to leave?”

“Rock, it’s really not necessary.” Her spine’s straight as she pulls together all the determination, and stubbornness, she possesses.

It seems fate decided. It’s no secret I’m attracted as fuck to her. Who are we to argue about being thrown together?

For the night.

“Yes,” I look at her sternly, “it is. Now, you can either walk me through what needs to be done, or I can wing it. Either way, you’re leaving with me. You have two seconds to decide which way it’s going to be.”

“You are impossible,” she folds her arms across her chest and glares at me.

“Times up,” I walk behind the counter.

“Alright fine,” she huffs. “The register is already taken care of. Make sure the refrigerators are all closed and the coffee machines are off. Then see if the pastry display cases are shut, then finally the door. Again.” I look at her. She shrugs her shoulder. “I might be a little OCD.” She holds up her hand and shows about an inch distance between her finger and thumb, “Just a little.”

I laugh.

Goddamn, she’s totally irresistible.
