Page 40 of Canvas

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Not going there.

I will pat myself on the back for averting the crisis of the panty and bra retrieval. It could have ended up being a situation I might never want to be reminded of again. But all possibility of embarrassment was thwarted when I insisted Rock just plop me down on top of my dresser and leave the room until I was finished.

Mission complete.

My collection of intimate apparel was still a secret to his eyes.

And the stairs? That man has got to be one of the healthiest men I know. He barely even got winded from carrying me up the three flights to my apartment. He’s got a lot of stamina.

Good to know.

Really good.

Finally, as we drive along the outskirts of town a blanket of darkness envelopes us. We head down an empty country road and turn onto a long gravel driveway I would have missed if I’d been by myself.

My heart is pounding wildly. All sorts of horrific scenarios are playing out in my mind, and all of them end with my unexpected, but well planned by him, demise. If this was a normal circumstance under regular situations, I would have loved the location of Rock’s house. Out in the middle of nowhere, it’s like it has its own private sky that’s bursting with indigo and thousands of stars. But it’s not normal, and he’s not just any guy.

And quite frankly, I’m not just any girl.

Going back and forth from, God, look at how beautiful it is out here, to, What the hell am I doing? I MUST be out of my mind, I keep my eyes transfixed on my surroundings, just in case I have to make a run for it.

Riiiiiight, with a bum knee you can’t even stand on. Good thinking, brainiac.

“Hey,” Rock’s voice is soft as it bursts the smoke of my serial killer scenarios. “Relax, you’re here only so I can take care of you and so you won’t damage that knee anymore.” He clasps my hand that’s got a white knuckle grip on the edge of my seat and peers sideways at me, “Okay?”

Despite all the news kidnapping stories I can recall replaying in my mind, which are exactly zero, I relax.

Well, at least my fear dissipates. What’s left is all his sexiness and hotness, his dark charm and cocky attitude, melting every single one of my defenses.

I’ll be lucky if I don’t translate his question, ‘Can I get you something to drink?’ to ‘Let’s fuck.’

Coming around a turn, the headlights illuminate a log cabin at the end of the drive. The closer we get, the better it comes into view. And what a view it is.

It’s immaculate, complete with a wrap-around porch across the front of the house with white rocking chairs. And a porch swing. Just like he said, it’s a single story one level, but what a house it is. It’s not a tiny little cottage, but huge. Big enough for a family of five.

My gaze shifts to Rock as he slides the gearshift into park and turns off the ignition.

“This is your house?” I ask, my surprise making my voice sound too high.

“Yep. I like my privacy. And my space,” he turns his attention to me and grins.

That panty melting smile is going to be the end of me, I swear.

“It’s beautiful,” all of it is from what I can see. Through the darkness, I can make out trees and manicured hedges, edging, all signs of landscaping.

He shakes his head like he’s brushing off the compliment. “Thanks. Let’s get you inside. I’ll go up and unlock the door, then bring you in.”

“Alright. I really hate that I’m such a burden.”

His eyes bore into mine. “You are not a burden, I’m glad you’re here. Now stop that, I’ll be right back.”

He exits the car and I watch him, his ass and his legs, as he walks up the couple of steps to his front door.

Is there not one part of his body I don’t want to bite? Just look at his ass. Now that I’m alone, I groan.

I openly study him as he turns and jogs down the steps back to me.
