Page 66 of Canvas

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“My dear Summer, ‘ow was your evening?”

Every inch of my skin with ink on it comes to life and tingles.

Mrs. Merriweather’s looking at me with a gleam in her eye and a smirk on her aged pretty face.

Crap, she knows something. I bet the news was getting around before we even got to Rock’s house.

“It was fine,” I reply with my most innocent voice and sweetest smile.

Her chin dips so she can peer at me over her glasses, a smirk on her, face and a gray-haired eyebrow arched. Gwen’s looking everywhere but at me, squirming in her seat next to her grandmother.

“Just fine? Seems to me if our boy Rock ‘ad carried me out of ‘ere last evening, I’d ‘ave made sure it would ‘ave been a night to remember, I would ‘ave. Now I’ve been (it sounds like oi’ve. Her accent seems to be getting more pronounced the more excited she gets. Lord, I bet I won’t understand a word she says if she really gets going) waiting all day to find out exactly what ‘appened last night. I won’t wait a moment more, sit yourself down, Summer, and tell me everything.” Mrs. Merriweather pats the seat next her, Gwendolyn glances up at me quickly with excited anticipation.

Oh brother, here we go.

As the blush explodes on my face, I lie. “Nothing happened.”

“Nonsense, my girl,” Mrs. Merriweather grins. “And if nothing ‘appened, I would be very disappointed in you.” Whoa, is she telling me I need to get laid? “That boy ‘as been sweet on you since the first time ‘e came in ‘ere, ‘e ‘as.” She pats the empty chair again.

What?! Wait. Sweet on me? Maybe he wanted to do all sorts of dirty things to me, and I’m SO GLAD he did, but that’s about it. It was just sex. Incredible sex.

“I’m sorry, I can’t sit, I’m working.”

“A’right then,” she leans closer and zeroes her gaze on me. The interrogation begins. “Let’s start with why ‘e carried you out of ‘ere.”

That’s an easy one, I can answer that.

“I hurt my leg and I couldn’t walk.” It’s the truth.

She looks me up and down, “Seems to be a’right now. ‘Ow’d you manage that, love?”

I roll my eyes as I remember the embarrassing incident. “Rock walked in on me standing on a chair, I was kind of dancing and reaching for something and I fell.”

“For ‘eavens sake, love. You could’ve broken your neck.”

“Hmmph, that’s what he said.”

“Well, ‘e was right. It’s a good thing ‘e came along, it was.” I fell because of him. “Did ‘e take you ‘ome?”

This one’s not quite so easy. My answer could open a giant Pandora’s Box; one I have no interest in letting what’s inside out.

The table of soccer mom Stepford Wifezilla’s start mumbling amongst themselves. I steal a glance at them two tables down over my shoulder and notice the head witch still hasn’t joined them.

That’s odd. They’re never without their queen. I wonder who she’s bossing around today.

I begin to answer Mrs. Merriweather while trying to catch a hint of what they’re saying, “Yes and no.”

Why are they staring at me? And what could they be whispering about?

The group of Botox, lipo, wives club women are all whispering, smiling, and looking at me.

Something’s going on.

“I also ‘eard you and our boy Rock caused quite a stir at the drugstore as well. I ‘eard ‘e carried you around like ‘e was afraid you’d run off,” she chuckles and claps her hands together. Good God, don’t these people have anything better to do than report what everyone’s doing? “I’d say (there goes that oi’d again) you and ‘e’s the most exciting thing that’s ‘appened to this town since ‘e and ‘is boys came rolling in on their motorbikes, and the day you appeared out of thin air.” She claps again and her eyes go wide. “Well, blimey! I’d say it was fate you both coming ‘ere, it was.”
